
A red lip adds instant impact. See my picks for bold red lipstick at une femme d'un certain age.

The Modern Red Lip

I’ve always loved the look of red lipstick. It’s iconic, and adds instant impact. For many years, I shied away from wearing a red lip…

Breville Barista Express espresso machine. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

Friday Miscellany: Coffee And Cream

  Espresso: The Real Deal Le Monsieur surprised me for my birthday with a gift of a serious espresso machine. And I’m not kidding when I say “surprised.”…

Casual outfit with red boots and a cherry print sweater, adding some spring touches to a cool weather look. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

Casual Vendredi: Seeing Red

Outfits with red boots have been popping up all over my Pinterest feed, and I love the energy they add to an otherwise neutral look….

Does the image you see in the mirror align with your identity? Read more at une femme d'un certain age.

Aging, Identity, And Style

Mirror, Mirror… A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a male friend about another mutual friend’s recommendation for certain cosmetic procedures. This led to…

Three of my favorite Penhaligon's Portraits fragrances. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

Feminine, With An Edge

Fragrance With Character Fragrance is such a tricky beast. I find that my tastes shift periodically, and scents that once delighted now leave me cold…

Style blogger Susan B. wearing burgundy cashmere gloves from Black UK. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

Three For Thursday

Winter Accessories Don’t hate me, but we’ve been having a very mild winter here in Southern California. Many of you have been slogging through a…