Short hiatus

My mother passed away yesterday, peacefully, after a long illness. I’m on my way to Ohio to help with arrangements. I’ll be back (both to…

Chic, two ways

As I sit here with the bottom half of my face slathered in vaseline to mitigate the effects of three days of non-stop, headcold-induced nose…

Foulard de la semaine

I’m really liking the softer, smaller (70cm x 70cm) scarves. There’s less fabric to work with, but it’s easier to get these more casual, insouciant…

Worth Another Look: Coach

Back when I first became aware of Coach handbags, they were known for excellent workmanship, timeless design and a lifetime guarantee. I coveted the elegant,…

Une femme’s Phrasebook

Walkus interruptus – stopping to answer the phone on your way out the door with les chiens, resulting in escalating levels of canine frustration. ~…

Yes, Giorgio!

No, I’m not flashing back to the reputedly execrable 1982 movie starring Luciano Pavarotti. The Giorgio I’m feeling very affirmative about is this guy, who…

New Romance

For those of use who are mariées or in committed relationships, no matter how fulfilling, the thrill of a new romance is something we’ve put…