And the last piece of the puzzle clanks into place…


Last year, we embarked on a Yard Makeover, which you can read all about here.  There was one final bit of the project though, that we were having a devil of a time completing: finding someone to design and build a custom wrought iron gate to replace the battered wooden one between the driveway and backyard.  We wanted something open that would allow the breezes through to help cool the backyard on warm summer days. I was adamant that I didn’t want something that looked institutional, though.

It’s taken eight months, but as of Sunday we finally have our new gate, and we’re thrilled with the results!


The designer copied a scroll motif from the metal work in our baker’s table in the grill area to add some interest.  A definite improvement, n’est-ce pas?

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States License.

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. C’est tout a fait splendide chez vous Chère Pseu! Comme Duchesse moi aussi j’ai vu les trois coeurs, très sympa!


  2. Fab design! I love how you picked this very intersting brown colour instead of the usual white or charcoal grey.

  3. I love the gate. You mentioned letting in breezes but the open design also lets in light and extends the view from the garden. Very nice.

  4. metscan – thank you. I’m so glad that ugly gate is GONE.

    Make Do Style – thanks!

    Duchesse – until you mentioned that, I hadn’t seen that in the motif. But now that I do, it’s even more special! Thank you.

    Toby Wollin – thanks so much. We’re very happy with the design and the work. Once we found the right person, it came together very quickly.

    Pearl – thanks!

    coffeeaddict – thank you. We wanted something that would look weathered from the start, and love how it turned out.

    Orane – merci beacoup! J’aime bien l’idée des trois coeurs.

  5. Luxe Bytes – thanks!

    hostess – yes, it was worth waiting for, thank you.

    NancyDaQ – thank you!

    WendyB – thanks, it really is.

    Belle de Ville – thanks so much.

    Mardel – thanks!

    LPC – merci!

  6. Susan Tiner – thanks. I was apprehensive about giving up the bit of privacy that a solid gate provided, but do love this one.

    Golla – thank you!

    materfamilias – thanks so much. I get enjoyment from seeing this gate every time I pull into our driveway now.

    Rubiatonta – thank you! I have to say though, that with a garden it’s never really finished, is it? I’m already making plans to tweak some of the plants. 😉

    Tiffany – thank you!

    La Belette Rouge – thanks so much! We really did want something with a French feel, and looked at pictures of French gates online to make notes of some of the design elements.

    Semi Expat – sure, why not? Thanks so much!

    Kathy – thank you!

  7. Late to say that this is the perfect finishing touch to your wonderful yard makeover! You won’t know where to look when you’re out there…so many treats for the eye.