Happy New Year!

We’ll be sipping our French Champagne from the comfort of our own living room, but dreaming about our next Paris trip (time frame as yet…

Return from Palm Springs

We’re back from les Springs des Palmes, where the rugged beauty of the landscape is juxtaposed against predominantly drab cinderblock architecture that would make an…

RIP, Eatha Kitt

Eartha Kitt died yesterday at the age of 81. Before she was Catwoman, she was known as one heckuva chanteuse. All original content property of…

For your Hanukkah enjoyment…

Because we still have three crazy nights to go… All original content property of https://unefemmenet.wpengine.com This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0…

Merry Christmas!!!

Best to you and yours, hope your Christmas is merry and bright! Posting will probably be light over this long holiday weekend, but une femme…

Foulard de la semaine

Holy cow, look at this gorgeous scarf! It was a Hanukkah present from mon mari! He really was listening to those hints I was dropping….

Open Letter to Oprah

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results – attr. Albert Einstein Oprah honey, Oy, here…

Happy Hanukkah!!!

Tonight we celebrate the first night of Hanukkah with extended family. We’ll light the candles, the kids will open their first gifts, and then we’ll…

Foulard de la semaine – Bonus Round

Function trumped form this week as for several days we experienced an icy Arctic blast….inside the office! Yes, our building’s ancient “environmental controls” were on…