Bad Boys of Summer

Bad Boys: They charmed their way into our wardrobes, but sister, they done us wrong.

Bad Boys Part 1 here.

Bad Boys Part 2 here.

The Cheap S.O.B.*


This one woos with promises of romantic weekend getaways and brunches at The Ritz, but never seems to get past the game on TV and the Grand Slam breakfast at Denny’s. This relationship begins to fray around the edges almost immediately, and will inevitably fall apart within a few weeks.

*h/t to Patti at Not Dead Yet Style for the reminder about this BB.

Outward Bound


His idea of a romantic weekend getaway involves strapping on a 70 pound backpack and hiking 8 miles a day, mostly uphill and above timberline. His unspoken motto seems to be, “if it’s not an ordeal, we’re not having fun.” The only ones eating well are the mosquitos. By the end of the second day all you can think about is being able to wash your hair again. And a very chilled martini.

The Heel

“My friends call me Jimmy.” Source

A master of seduction, he makes you feel so sexy and desirable. It’s all passion and glamour and Cristal in the VIP section at the start; the pain comes later. This handsome cad will skip out on the tab halfway through the evening, leaving you broke and limping home down the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

Walk of Shame


How does that old country song go, “the girls all get prettier around closing time”? Desperation rarely leads to lasting romance, and this was no different. Somehow you knew it would never be anything more than a one-night stand, but still you needed….something. (For a wedding, a party, a class reunion.) Or maybe it was Last Call at the Ole Sales Rack, and you were determined not to go home empty handed. But in the cold light of morning, as queasy waves of Regret wash over you, you quickly banish the sordid reminder to the darkest corner of the closet and hope that somehow it will just disappear from mind as well as sight.

How are you doing with ferreting out and sending your Bad Boys packing?

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  1. i love your Bad Boy series and yesterday I posted on Polyvore my own Summer Wall of Shame. My recently purchased times that have not been worn.

    It has sparked a lot of comment.

    Some of these guys have a chance to make it, just buried in a mountain of options or not yet their time (season), but some I already know will not. No tears here – learning to better understand what I love to wear in hopes that I make less purchases and have even more things that make me feel fabulous.

  2. I know this must resonate with every woman who reads it…”What WAS I thinking” is a sentence I use when I go culling in my closet. You made me chuckle out-loud. Efharisto! Sherry

  3. I own a version of the dress only in black. I did wear it once and it has lived in the darkest part of my closet ever since–I think.
    I LOVE high heel shoes and own them in every color. I have never purchased the ankle strap type as it cuts the line of my leg. I never had a problem wearing a Jimmy Choo. My Jimmy Choo’s have become quite “cultured” as they attend every opera, art opening, and evening party event with me. I am thanked with comfort and feet that dance all night.

  4. Hello:
    This post was such fun!

    We have to confess to being seduced by bad boys rather more than is probably good for us. But, when the clothes are but fragments in our wardrobes, the memories of wild times, laughter and adventure linger on. We know that we shall be back for more!!

  5. This handsome cad will skip out on the tab halfway through the evening, leaving you broke and limping home down the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Ankles.

  6. Love the bad boys and wish I had to cull some out of my wardrobe. Unfortunately I get seduced by the “ready for the nursing home” items. I’m currently ferreting some of those out.

  7. Well, that is one thing the 6 Items Challenge has been good for. I’ve done a very serious cleaning of the closet–and have 45 items for the thrift stores and 50 items pegged for eBay.

  8. Hummm, chalk one up for thrifting.

    I’ve got similar shorts in my drawer ready for the weekend. One gal’s bad boy is another’s perfect child.

  9. Too cute. My problem is I banish a bad boy to the bad-boy box in the garage and somehow he manages to slip back into my world all contrite – and I foolishly take him back … until the next time I decide to get my act together and not play with the bad boys anymore! And on it goes … Me thinks I NEED to get that bad-boy box out of the garage and off to some other universe!