Advanced Style

A friend just turned me on to this new (for me, anyway!) street style blog, Advanced Style. Prepare to be inspired by these stylish men and women.

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  1. Sounds like a fun place to visit (Advanced Style I mean, Paris is way more than fun!) — I’ll head over now to check it out. I second Metscan’s wish that you may have a wonderful last day in Paris.

  2. Hi! Thank you for the beautiful pictures from Paris. Thank you too for sharing the blog:Advanced Style(how delicate a name for the blog). I quickly checked it, and there were some pictures -besides Lauren Hutton-that were adorable,like the two ladies with the dog,which I liked very much. Enjoy your last day in Paris!

  3. Love this couple. My favorite people to watch in Paris are older people. Really, seeing a woman of 78 looking chic and stylish is soooo inspiring.

  4. I looked at the blog, and was more frightened than inspired. With the exception of a few shots, I don’t aspire to look like this. At the same time I admire the effort and intention to post older people who haven’t given up.

  5. Have you checked out It’s a great site and I urge everyone to click on the style link to read the wonderful articles by Michele Benza, an image consultant originally from Belgium, living in San Francisco.
    Also everyone checkout the wonderful skin line from Caroline Chu. As you all know, the French are fanatics about skin care and her products are great.

  6. duchesse – I look at images on Advances Style like I look at The Sartorialist: not all styles are something I’d want to emulate or even particularly like, but at least with most there’s a degree of personal expression through style.

    Regarding older women in Paris, one thing that’s really become noticeable by contrast upon returning to the US is that you don’t see a lot of faces that look as if they’ve gone under the knife. Women actually look their age there, and still look great and stylish. Compare that with the overdone “trout pout,” the pointy-puffy cheekbones, and the skin that looks unnaturally taut so commonly spotted on more well-to-do women here.