Autumn in LA…Finally!

Red sky at morning, sailors’ warning

I snapped this pic at dawn yesterday morning. By yesterday afternoon we had a brief thunderstorm, and this morning we awoke to the sound of rain.


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Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. lovely compostion.
    rain…always a welcome visitor in la.
    fall is on the downturn here in virginia…though still managing to find some lovely sites to photograph.

  2. belle – thanks! Our new digital camera does all the work, though.

    kalee – every now and then we get a really spectacular sky. I always try to capture it, but this time I was luckier than usual.

    erin – yes, and now for a day or two we’ll have lovely clean air!

  3. enc – well, I hope we’ll all get a bit more rain soon.

    julianne – rain on the roof is one of my favorite sounds, especially when I’m snug and warm under the covers.

    materfamilias – I grew up in No.Cal. which gets probably three times as much rain as here. So I’m used to it, and would probably feel right at home in the northwest. DH, not so much.

  4. LBR – no kidding!! It was lovely and I’m so glad we seem to be out of the Santa Ana cycle.

    wendyb – thanks!

    completely alienne – I’d probably love your climate for a while, but it’s been so long since I’ve lived anywhere that it rained a lot, I don’t know how I’d do with it in the long run.

  5. Lovely photo – funny, in England we say red sky in the morning shepherd’s warning! It is odd to see anyone so happy to see rain – you want to try living in England. It never bloody stops here.

  6. it’s been ridiculously unseasonably warm here in NYC — it hit 60 yesterday, when we usually anticipate somewhere in the low 50s as a high, and sinking almost into the mid 30s for lows. it feels really bizarre… no one knows what to wear. as you know, we new yorkers can’t wait for the first signs of fall so we can start wearing our all-black uniform again, comfortably. now it feels too late in the year to go out without at least a light coat but you wind up sweating and offices are already overheated. i want some autumn chill already! because of the exceptionally warm weather, we’ve also had only a so-so fall foliage display.

    but i also join in exclaiming about the lovely photograph…