Can You Say, “Transitional Season Dressing?”

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Our weather forecast for the next few days. I will be SO happy if we actually get some rain.

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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    1. We’re in our second day of clear and sunny skies with highs in the low 70s here in the Pacific NW. It’s all going to end soon and we’ll be beginning the windy, cold,and rainy fall and winter seasons which will last until April or May. I’m savoring every bit of the sun’s light and warmth while I still can!

  1. Looks like those terrific jackets, the Z&V coloured leather you found in Paris and the new moto, might be out for a spin!

  2. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? We have had two rainy days since fall began and I didn’t want them to end. It’s been hot and muggy here this weekend – not a fan! I am so ready for fall clothes, comfort food and fires in the fireplace!

  3. It’s hard to get in the groove with a wardrobe change, isn’t it? We had torrential rain, and then sunshine and up to 80 today. Glad I painted my toenails one last time.

  4. “I will be SO happy if we get some rain”….BWAAAA HA HA HAAAA! I’ve got some rain for you…..ooooh booyyyy do I have rain. So. Much. Rain….would you like wind with your rain? I’ve got that too…in excess.

    Seriously, this is a huge temperature differential. This does post a challenge for dressing. Layering is key.