
My favorite beauty, fragrance, and skincare products.

Worth Their Weight In Gold

As much as we tend to agonize over our hair, Karen is right when she says a really good hair stylist/colorist is “worth their weight…

Makeup Artist Trick Of The Week

My friend Karen says “blush brings the pretty.” The right blush can make you look fresher and more rested, and is one of my “le…

On The Beauty Beat

Being a curious creature by nature, I rarely pass up an opportunity to try out new beauty products. Even though my preference is a natural…

La Détox

Sometimes after we’ve been on vacation, it takes a while to re-set eating (and drinking) habits back into healthy territory. In France especially, it’s easy…

Hair And There

Le monsieur was looking over my shoulder as I was pinning this image and asked (for probably the 43,834th time since we’ve been together), “are you…

This And That…Romance

Do you love romantic movies and do you have a favorite? If so, pop over to Women’s Voices For Change and… Tell us your favorite…