Food & Drinks

Food, Glorious Food

Saturday night we stayed in and watched “Les Saveurs du Palais,” (re-titled “Haute Cuisine” for US release). It’s based on the story of Danièle Delpeuch,…

Joyeuses Pâques!

Happy Easter! And a bit of a belated Happy Passover to those who are celebrating. In our family, it’s become tradition to celebrate most holidays on…

What’s For Lunch?

A few months ago I declared my intention to reduce my consumption of animal products and/or seek out sources that had been humanely and sustainably…


As we were parking the car for dinner Saturday night, caught some nice sunset action. #nofilter as the kids say. It was one of those…

Resuming “Le Regime”

Well, our own holiday celebrations extended into the weekend due to a dear niece’s Bat Mitzvah which meant a few days of family in town…

Macarons, Anyone?

Macarons seem to be Having A Moment, and rightly so. They are the Faerie Princess of Pastries…light, delicate, just a bit frivolous and often whimsically…

Perfect Holiday Party Recipe

It’s the first Tuesday of December (yikes, December already!!!) and this month’s By Invitation Only theme is to share our idea of perfect holiday party….

Good Morning, Las Vegas…

After a sleepless Saturday night due to rowdy nightclub noise until 4:30am, we asked to change rooms yesterday, and were upgraded a bit. The new…