
links à la mode

My post on LA Party Style was included in this week’s IFB Links à la Mode!   Jolly Ol’ Style Picks Merry Christmas (to those…

merry, happy, jolly

To those of you celebrating Christmas, I hope you’re having a lovely day, and celebrating in a way that’s meaningful to you. I hadn’t planned…

reds, reads, and random things

Reds. My obsession with red lipstick has only gained momentum in recent months. After trying many shades, all of which eventually turned pink on me,…

weekend update

I wanted to be sure it was working well before mentioning, but I’ve set up a new subscription service that will deliver blog posts directly…

a bash, not the fun kind

So Thursday night on my way home from work, I was hit broadside by a driver trying to make an illegal left turn who then…

Happy Halloween!

Due to time constraints this year, I  kinda phoned it in went more minimalist with my pumpkin carving. As always, I do it Old School…just…

French Design Decoded

Images from The French Way with Design by Betty Lou Phillips Autumn is a season marked by a return to old routines and perhaps the thrill…

Back And Sides

I’ve had a few requests to show some side and back views of my haircut, so after Brian finished with my color and cut, I…