A Casual Party Look

Casual outfit with kimono jacket. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

I’ve had a kimono style topper* on my wardrobe wish list for a few years now. I’d ogled this one online a few times, but didn’t bite until it was on final clearance during the Net-a-Porter summer sale several weeks ago.  (Similar look here.)

Wearing: earrings | kimono (similar) | tank | ring | bag | jeans (similar) | shoes (similar)

We were invited to a sake tasting party over the weekend. As the weather had cooled down a bit, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally debut it. Le Monsieur took some quick shots with the phone when we arrived (posted on Instagram here), but they were all a bit dark and grainy, so I re-shot the look at home with my good camera to better show the details.

Outfit details: Cult Gaia Ark bag and Aurelie Bidermann gold ring. Info at une femme d'un certain age.

As the kimono/haori is pretty much the star of the outfit, I kept everything else scaled back and neutral.

Suede block heel sandals in nude pink. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

These slides are from last year and no longer available. (Similar here.) I’m SO glad I hung onto them; they coordinate beautifully with the colors here and are very comfortable.

Soba noodles with duck and vegetables. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

The party was a blast. The sakes were delightful, each unique in character. My BIL made wonderful soba noodles with duck and vegetables for dinner. Aren’t those pretty? Yum!

Outfit detail: kimono sleeves. More at une femme d'un certain age.

*The proper term for the garment I’m wearing is a haori.

Do you have a kimono or haori in your wardrobe?

More Kimono-Inspired Toppers

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. Gosh, Susan, this is so so pretty on you! I love the colours and the print. I’ve been on the lookout for the perfect kimono for a while, I just haven’t found one that was just right, in a goldilocks way. They’re either too bathrobey, too floral, too short, too long, etc etc. I’m off to pore over the selection you have above.

    (The soba looks so yummy!)

  2. This is such a soft look and I love it on you! Your slightly longer hair is very flattering, the shoes are perfect, the whole outfit just sings!
    I love a drapey topper like this but I seldom choose it. Maybe I will rethink that…

  3. I purchased two haori from Zulily ( an oft overlooked source for good quality clothing at bargain prices) one is black and white the other a floral with black background) they are the perfect length for me. They have proved to be travel workhorses in my wardrobe acting as a coverup over a night gown to going out to dinner over silk pants and worn with jeans. I always hesitate to spend a lot on ‘on trend’ as it becomes ‘off trend’ so quickly ie that horrible cold shoulder look from last year wasn’t in site this year:(. My haori aren’t so $$ that if they disappear from the fashion radar in a few months they will make great bathing suit cover ups!! Your’s is beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Ainsivalavie! Even though these have been “on trend” the last few seasons, I’ve always loved this style of top, so I’ll happily continue to wear it once the trend has passed.

  4. I have three antique haori in my closet. They’re bulkier than modern styles, and with long, ornate sleeves. You look very elegant in yours! I’ll pack mine for my San Francisco weekend coming up. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Very lovely. Sounds like a fun evening. How is the fabric on this kimono? Looking at the orange version. Always hesitate on synthetic fabrics as sometimes they don’t breathe or hang well. Thanks!

  6. I have several kimono tops! I love your outfit! I used to sing in rock bands and wore them a lot. Got most of them from Anna Sui or Calypso. ❤️

  7. I purchased the Anthropologie kimono inspired topper you show on your blog.
    It looks cute with jeans. It doesn’t stay up on my shoulders though. Any creative solutions?

    1. Hi Mary, I wonder if you could add some thin foam “shoulder pads” that would help it stick to the top underneath and stay put?

  8. Looks like a fun event — those noodle bowls!! I have a kimono-style silk top, about ten years old, that I can’t bear to let go of but find a bit too bright to wear these days (somewhere between chartreuse and pea-green). . . Your hair is looking great at this length!

    1. Thanks! Actually my SIL was in a full kimono with the sash and everything. (They lived in Japan for almost a year.)

  9. Love all these responses and the new hair!! I’m plus sized and short. I do have a couple of kimono tops chosen carefully otherwise they catch on my wide hips or look like I’m hiding and it adds weight to my midsection. The ones I have look great. You are a lovely lady with a lovely blog!!

  10. Beautiful piece. I’ve become very cautious since “cultural appropriation” became a charge made against women exploring clothes from other societies. When done with respect, I see nothing wrong with it but many disagree so I’m reluctant to take the chance. Does this ever worry you?

    1. I think it’s good that we’re becoming more aware of how we approach “borrowing” from other cultures, and trying to be sensitive to it. I also think you have to look at the historical relationships between one’s own culture and the culture that inspires the style. And did the item/style have special religious or ceremonial significance? It’s been explained to me that kimonos and haoris were a form of every day wear for many Japanese people up until the 20th century. I’ve always been inspired by Japanese art, style, and aesthetics, and don’t see this particular form of “inspired by” clothing as appropriation.

  11. I made a kimono about 25 years ago and still get compliments every time I wear it.

    Regarding “cultural appropriation”, I have high regard for the Japanese culture and am proud to wear my kimono which was made in the traditional Japanese way using the directions in MAKE YOUR OWN JAPANESE CLOTHES by John Marshall. He studied in Japan and is an extraordinary artist in the Japanese style. I feel my kimono is a tribute to the Japanese style, showing my high regard for that culture. (Two of my grandsons are half Japanese.)

    Most Japanese now wear Western clothing but I don’t regard that as cultural appropriation.

    1. Thanks, Greetje! I’ve been corrected on this a couple of times myself, and hope I’ll remember for next time. 😉

  12. Yes, what is commonly called a kimono here in North America is a far cry from the genuine kimono traditionally worn by Japanese women. I don’t have either a kimono or a haori, but I did purchase a lovely cotton yukata, commonly called a summer kimono, when we lived in Japan. That was 10 years ago when cultural appropriation was less a concern than it has become today. Since I only wear it for relaxing at home, it won’t likely offend anyone though.