Foulard de la semaine

A walk in the park, while wearing “A Walk In The Park.”

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Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. Metscan – it’s actually a bag I purchased earlier this year after my hip surgery, when the physical therapist was quite insistent that I use cross-body bags for long periods of time spent on my feet. I’ll have some pics of the new bag up in a couple of days, along with the rest of my haul. 😉

  2. julianne – yes, I’m working on a few more posts about the trip which will include some pics (unfortunately most of the museums we visited did not allow photography of the collections, otherwise we’d have taken hundreds). This is our last full day in New York; we fly home tomorrow, and it’s been a fabulous time!

  3. You look like you are perfectly in your element, and having met you I can attest to the fact you were. I’m still coveting your glasses!


  4. Are you toting your new bag? It´s the same color as your leather jacket,yes? I like it cause it has some texture on the leather. It shows out better and does not melt in with the jacket.

  5. savvy mode – one of our top priorities this trip was exploring some parks. Parisian parks are the best!

    LBR – I’ll take that as the highest compliment! Merci beaucoup.

  6. chicamericaine – I’m still so thrilled we got to meet! Thanks again for your hospitality, and I hope we can return the gesture if you’re ever in LA.

  7. If I was there I would think you were French. I am sure no one ever assumed you were American with that scarf on!!( I mean that as a compliment;-)

  8. Déja, c’est vous? Quelle belle photo!
    Enfin vos lectrices voient ‘une femme’ dans toute la beauté d’un certain age.
    La fontaine est vraiement splendide.
