A French Country Garden

rose in French country garden

For three of the six days we were in Normandy, we had the pleasure of staying at the guest cottage of Sharon Santoni, who writes the gorgeous blog My French Country Home. My photos don’t hold a candle to hers, but the garden was so lovely I couldn’t resist taking lots of snaps, and wanted to share a few with you.

farmhouse guest cottage in Normandy

playing with Gibson in the garden

antique milk jugs

inside the cottage

family dogs Gibson and Ghetto

blooms in Normandy

French country cottage kitchen

French country cottage outdoor dining

We enjoyed breakfast out at this table each morning, complete with fresh fruit from the local farmers’ market.

Sharon also recently published a book, My Stylish French Girlfriends, and if you love French decor and gardens, you’ll love this book. You can also see some of her videos here, that give you a little taste of life in France. Thank you again, Sharon, for a wonderful stay!

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. The photos are placing me into a very ethereal state of mind. I love them so much. And–that’s one of the reasons why I love France so much. You have the greatest cities like Paris, Lyon, and Nice. You have great beaches both on the Atlantic side and the Cote d’Azur. And you just have wonderful villages, towns and homes just like the one pictures. The setting you are in is bucolic perfection!

  2. Why is it that “well loved” homes in France look charming & inviting…even for me a germaphobe? That same look in the U.S. is just worn out & in need of cleaning. Truly, I am puzzled! Viva la difference!

    1. I don’t know, but I don’t get the connection between well-worn and “germy”. Both the main house and the little guest house (which looks a lot like old houses here in Québec, as most settlers came from Northwestern France (Normandy, Britanny and nearby provinces) look very clean. And brand new furnishings can be filthy.

  3. What a lovely place to relax. It’s really interesting looking at gardens and out on walks I really enjoy looking at what people do with them. The allotments opposite us are a constant source of interest. Yesterday I went up to Le Jardin des Cimes at Plateau d’Assy which is a wonderfully imaginative garden and well worth a visit. http://www.jardindescimes.com/en/.

  4. I’m so glad you got to meet and spend time with Gibson and Ghetto, both of whom I’ve long admired. The photograph of you with Gibson is priceless and conveys beautifully the large hearts of each of you!

  5. Smashing. Love the red bag with your top, which is the perfect Paris find. You become more beautiful with each passing month!