It’s ON!

Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale!

I think this is Nordie’s best sale of the year, with new fall merchandise offered at substantial markdowns.How could I not?? Jones New York Signature Cardigan, $78.90 on sale.


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Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. Now, THAT is how to wear animal print… love the structured seaming, the 3/4 sleeves–love it! Nice going!

  2. Yes, I’d picked it out during the presale at our local store, and I can pick it up today. I have to say that it looks better in person than in the picture, and better unbuttoned.

    Katriona – thanks! I’ve been on the lookout for a good leopard cardi or jacket, and this one is perfect.

  3. did you see the lovely leopard flats too? one pair by geox.

    i have my eye on a new black leather jacket. will hopefully get it ordered online this weekend and a couple pairs of shoes. the nearest nordstrom here is in richmond and they are a smallish one. do not carry all the items as south coast. had a chance to pick up a couple things in june at south coast however, did not have enough time to really shop. did you know there is a nordstrom going in at fashion island-spring 2010. saw that when we were shopping at bloomies in june.

  4. Oh that is so utterly you, and it’s go that fitted seam, purrrr. Just bought a pair of Thierry Rabotin leopard slides and thought of you!

    Will we soon see a foulard de la semaine on that jacket?

  5. I bought way too much! I went into the in-store tents a few days ago and they let me try things on and I was able to buy everything ahead of time. I bought three dresses and two pencil skirts. I’m glad that you found something you liked!!

  6. I was eyeballing that exact sweater/jacket! As I am on a strict budget however, I will just have to admire your (anticipated) post when you wear it in the fall.

    I think that you’ll get tons of wear out of that.

  7. Erin – yes, they have some great leopard shoes on sale. The South Coast Nordie’s is my favorite, but too far to visit very regularly. I’m glad they’re adding one at Fashion Island, we tend to go there more even though it’s just as far, because we can take the dogs.

    Leah – oh, yeah, those tents are too much temptation! Sounds like you picked up some good stuff, though.

    Miss Janey – I think love of leopard is a bond that joins so many of us.

  8. Duchesse – yes, this jacket not only has a great print, but some pretty decent tailoring/fit for the price point. Ooh, Thierry Raboutins…I’ll bet they’re lovely! It will probably mostly be too warm to wear this sweater for a while, but yes, I’m already mentally pairing with some foulards.

    WendyB – Resist?? Moi?? Jamais!!

    Princess Freckles – have you been yet? Found anything divine?

  9. hollarback – So sorry the timing isn’t good for you now. I think I will wear this lots; not only is the print fab, but the design is simple and versatile. I’ve been on a serious hunt for a leopard jacket/cardi for a LONG time and was so happy to find this one.