Making A Difference

We know that none of us, alone, can save the world. But maybe a bunch of us, together, can help save one person in it.  Read this story at Big Wolf’s Daily Plate of Crazy, and I hope you’ll consider sharing in whatever way you can, and doing whatever you can to help out.

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  1. Thanks so much for this information. This young woman is truly an inspiration. It is wonderful to have been given this opportunity to help.

  2. I think a Facebook campaign (which I wrote to Big Little Wolf about) would raise the money. I would be very happy to help set it up, and help manage the page, get the word out, take out some ads, etc. So sad, the medical system is very out of wack!

  3. I admire the efforts. But–somewhat different perspective here–I wish the doctors and hospitals–would also “chip in” and charge the same as they charge insurance companies. Insurance companies pay far less than the “quoted rate”–and the funds would be much more in reach.

  4. I applaud helping Ashley and hope the Americans reading will continue their good deeds by working to change the system through votes, political contributions and protests.

    When I was growing up in the US, my dad and the other doctors in his clinic would often work on cases like this, pro bono. HMOs wrecked US medicine, he said.

  5. You are all so fabulous! (Kathy – just dropped you a line and copied Kelly!)

    Ashley left a comment on the post – earlier today. Wrenching.

    I can’t think of a better way for any of us to spend our time than helping her, and using that energy to then reach out and keep helping.

    Déjà Pseu – You’re a doll. Thank you, and to all your readers.