L’shana tovah!

May you be inscribed for a sweet year! All original content property of https://unefemmenet.wpengine.com This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United…

Hits and Myths

Last week, Shar at La Femme Couture posted an excellent piece titled Wardrobe Must-Haves…and Myths, a topic I’ve also been pondering lately, after having read…

RIP, Paul

I’ve read so many moving tributes in the last day, anything I were to add at this point would just be extraneous. The world is…

Foulard de la semaine

Grand-mêre’s scarf again. We had one of those weeks here that reminds us we’re living in a coastal desert. I’m looking forward to the cool…

Hommes et foulards

From the NYT: The lightweight scarf, until lately an autumnal hallmark of European aristos and Upper East Side decorators, has been embraced by style-savvy downtownsters….

Cream of the Cropped

Cropped jackets seem to still be going strong this fall, despite some forecasts for longer lengths to make a resurgence. As it’s une femme’s belief…


Materfamilias posted this poem a few days ago: To My Last Period (Lucille Clifton, 1991) well girl, goodbye, after thirty-eight years. thirty-eight years and you…

Foulard de la semaine

Nothing fancy this week. The weather warmed back up, so I pulled my cotton scarves out again. This scarf is smaller (70cm x 70cm) than…

The Bold and the Beautiful

Statement jewelry is back in a big way, and my favorite LA-based jewelry designer, Devon Leigh, has some offerings right in line with this trend….