The Bold and the Beautiful

Statement jewelry is back in a big way, and my favorite LA-based jewelry designer, Devon Leigh, has some offerings right in line with this trend. I love the naturalistic style of her pieces, and the unique way she utilizes her materials. I have a couple pairs of her earrings, and would love to add some of these pieces to my collection.

Green tuquoise and amethyst necklace, $825.

Lapis nugget and amber CZ necklace, $675.

Black Drusy Quartz wire wrapped ring $325. (stone dipped in 24K gold, wire is 14K)

18K gold-dipped cuff, $245.

Figure eight earrings, $240.

Amethyst slice pendant and gold chain, $750. Isn’t this just stunning???

Gold and amber circle earrings (5″ long), $495. I love amber but you so rarely see it paired with gold.


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Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. Les boucles d’oreilles d’or et d’ambre sont particulièrement attrayantes, belle combinaison pour l’automne, ma saison favorite.


  2. Wow, this is gorgeous. I didn’t know about her. The prices are great (arrrggh.) Gold dipped usually does fine as earrings or a pendant… I would want to talk to them about the durability on a bracelet or ring.
    Can you hear me making purring, thrumming noises?

  3. I love statement jewelry and I wear it even when it is not in. I first fell in love with it when I noticed the jewels on my mother’s BFF when I was just a little weasel. She had bracelets that I still dream of.

    If I am going to wear jewelry it is going to be noticed. No subtle little chains or simple understatement for me, SVP!

    I don’t know Devon. But, I am delighted to learn about her! Thanks, DP!

  4. Memories:) I love Devon Leigh, and in my glory days of being a stylist I would frequent her 3rd street shop often…or was it on beverly blvd.? Anyway:) Fantastic post.


  5. mater – I was specifically thinking of you when I posted that lapis piece. It’s got your name all over it. 😉

    Orane – l’autumne est ma saison favorite aussi! J’aime bien l’ambre.

    duchesse – I aim to tempt.

  6. LBR – she has a boutique on 3rd just west of Fairfax (right next to Quality Food & Beverage, one of our favorite breakfast joints, which was how I discovered her designs).

    CC – yes it’s on 3rd. I think I’m going to have to pay a visit soon…

    miss janey – glad you enjoyed!

  7. I think that these pieces ROCK!
    Very organic and very cool especially the amethyst slice necklace.
    And I’m with La Belette.
    If you are going to wear jewelry…make it REAL and make it a statement.
    Just like with your Hermes scarves, if you’re going for the look, make it obvious.
    Hey, and when are you coming over to my Rodeo Drive hood to see my jewelry 😉