
sunset Seine Paris

Our hearts go out to all in Paris and in France, and our condolences to those who have lost loved ones. May the injured heal quickly.

Prayers for peace.

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  1. Paris, the city I love as much as my own home, New York. Paris, it’s incomprehensible that this could have happened to you. May the French people know that we mourn with you.

  2. “America is my country, Paris is my hometown”. I was blessed to have been able to visit my beloved Paris this summer. My heart breaks with this act of barbarism and the pain all of France must be feeling today.

  3. Like Une Femme, we are avid travelers, having spent many wonderful trips roaming Paris. We have another trip planned this spring, including Normandy. We are seriously thinking of postponing. We don’t worry for our personal safety, as much as the difficulties and logistics of carrying on, if another attack occurred. Such a sad state of affairs. Might be time to visit more of this beautiful country USA, we live in.

    1. Marguerite, I’d encourage you and anyone else to travel as planned. Not only does it support the French, but also deprives those terrorist lunatics of the fear and disruption they seek.

      1. Well said. I live here and am shaken. A good night´s sleep and Paris will show its grit. Lunatics have made a mistake with this indiscreminate killings.

        1. Well said, wise women.
          Fear is the currency of these terribly deluded and violent people. I too believe that Parisians will show their grit. And my heart too breaks for the wounded and families of the fallen.

  4. My heart breaks at the very thought of this violent act of hate. How can anyone think this is acceptable and condoned by their God? My prayers and thoughts are with all of France, as every last one of its citizens have been impacted by this tragedy.

  5. France and her people are a force in this world I greatly admire. They will survive this cowardly act and prosper. The fanatical robots who do these cowardly things will be caught in their own web of idiocy.

  6. Janice,”such barbarism in the home of so much beauty”….. because they hate beauty,life,piece,culture and want to destroy and,as Une femme said,seek for fear and disruption,for pain and ugliness.
    No pasaran!
    My heart is with the people of France and they families.
    Prayers for Paris

  7. As a parisienne, I am very touched by the support shown by our american friends. It TRULY helps to know we will always have strong alliés who are ready to support and help us if need be.

  8. They say thoughts are things.Where focus goes energy flows,so I would like to send love,peace &cheating to Paris and everyone who has lost a loved one. Xxx

  9. My first of many many trips to Paris was the summer of 1966 where I studied at the University. The most recent was a few months ago. Paris, like the rest of Europe, has changed and has been impacted by the huge influx of middle easterners most of whom do not wish to assimilate yet have always been welcome. No more. The French President has spoken. Parisians are strong like the Lady of Orleans and they will show her same great resolve. My heart to Paris just as I gave it 50 years ago.

  10. I just wanted to update everyone on my French colleagues, all are safe and sound including their family and friends. (I had a comment in travel makeup section but I saw this and thought to put my update here). Today at noon we are doing a 1 minute silence in Europe, our company will join in the cafeteria.
    I live in this atmosphere here, I went out Saturday night and police were everywhere, border checks and so forth, while my home is in NL, some may not realize going out for us here can mean going to a German or Belgian town daily, our borders are like going from Jersey to Philly… I am glad of the extra presence.
    What I fear more, is the racism and prejudice that is building more than any terrorist threat…. It is shaking the foundation of the society here.
    Peace and safety to everyone.

    1. Melissa, thank you for the update. I too fear a reaction of racism and bigotry.. It will also be playing right into the hands of the extremists and terrorists. It’s exactly what they want.

      1. Thanks for putting the subject on your blog, while it is a fashion blog, your post on this was eloquent.
        What you said was fitting and I admired your words. Thanks for the lovely thoughtful post.
        Yes, I also agree while we all shouldn’t ignore what has happened even if it hasn’t touched us directly, we should all carry on with our lives and our plans for travel and not play into their hands, it is exactly that, terror and something that this type of move wants to instill in the victims.
        Being prior military also gives me a bit of insight to all this horrible stuff…
        (yep, I have pretty much done it all)