
Casual outfit with kimono jacket. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

In Tuesday’s “Favorite Outfits” post, I focused on the outfits that I thought best exemplified my day-to-day style. But I did want to mention some casual-but-festive special occasion looks that I thought worked very well.

Above, I stalked this “haori” (short kimono) for several months, and finally bit when it went on final clearance. It’s from Elizabeth and James, and is a truly gorgeous piece. It’s the perfect thing to throw on for a party, either over jeans as I’ve done here, or a dress or silk separates for a dressier occasion.

Earrings | Kimono (similar) | Top (similar) | Bag |
Jeans (similar) | Shoes (similar)

Plus options: Kimono | Top | Jeans

Casual Summer Party Look: Style blogger Susan B. wears printed pants, a duster cardigan, bamboo bag and yellow slide sandals. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

When we were invited to a backyard wedding reception in Palm Springs (in summer!) I decided to go with the flow. As in flowy pants, and a lightweight linen duster cardigan for the inevitable air-conditioned interiors.

Cardigan (similar) | Top | Necklace 1 | Necklace 2 | Bag |
Pants (similar) | Shoes (similar)

Plus options: Cardigan | Top | Pants

Style and travel blogger Susan B. takes a ride in an open cockpit bi-plane. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

While probably not my most stylish look (the aviator’s cap and jacket were borrowed), it was perfect for the occasion: a long-wished-for ride in an open cockpit bi-plane. When we were visiting Napa last September, le Monsieur surprised me by signing me up for a one-hour flight. It was FANTASTIC, a dream come true! I called it my “Beryl Markham moment.”

Here’s a short video I shared on Instagram that gives you a sense of it. The flight itself was very smooth, more so than most commercial flights I’ve taken. I hope to do this again!

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. I love that haori on you! Such a soft look. I struggle a but wearing flowy clothing. Perhaps because I’m tall I feel a bit too dramatic, like the clothes are wearing me!

  2. Makes total sense to me to have a workaday style (even when no longer going to an office) and some dress-up styles – for all kinds of high flying;).

  3. I love all 3 outfits! I especially like the pants you are wearing in the wedding outfit. They are different and flattering. I love the long duster but just like another reader I feel overwhelmed in them. But you look awesome! The aviator ensemble is so cute! Looks like you had a blast!

  4. Palm Springs in the summer! It can be so hot you can’t walk ten feet without collapsing, but inside every building, the AC is cranked to Arctic. One summer when I was there, it was 120 degrees F outside and 60 degrees F in the hotel. Dressing for that is a challenge.

  5. You inspired me to take out the haori I bought when we lived inJapan. I also brought back kimono and a ton of obi to cover cushions, make into bed covers and shams, which I never have done:(

  6. I’m sorry, but he haori, and frankly, the loose cardigan, always look like something someone would wear at home in leisure. Not polished or smart. Sloppy.

    1. Susan lives in Southern California–and the mode of dress there may differ from your locale. I don’t see these outfits as sloppy at all. Casual yes, sloppy no!

  7. I notice my comments are always deleted unless they are wildly, worshipfully complementary.

    If this blog is actually closed to all but a chosen few, I think you should state that openly.

    1. Not true. I have no problem with dissenting opinions, as long as they are respectfully and constructively expressed. I feel no obligation to be anyone’s punching bag.

  8. I love the haori on you, even though it would be a stretch for me. I love seeing both outfits I would wear, and those that I don’t think suit my style. I do agree that there is no reason to be insulting if one’s opinion differs. Sue, keep sharing your fashion sense!

  9. Did you have to climb by yourself onto the wing of that plane to get into the cockpit, or did they give you a step stool or something? Looks like it was wicked fun! A few years ago there was a commercial blimp flying between Monterey and San Jose, and shorter sightseeing trips around the SF Bay. Sadly they went out of business before I had a chance to try one of the shorter trips. It was fun to see it flying over my house every now and then though.

  10. I’m not sure that I have commented before. But, it hit me that most of your favorites, were mine too. Love your blog. Have a great day.