Spring color trends & how to wear them

Twice a year, Pantone releases their forecast of fashion color trends for upcoming seasons. In my experience, not all of these will actually make their way to retail. As the 2023 spring collections start to arrive, I’ve been combing through with an eye toward color trends, and how to wear them.

Fashion color trends for spring 2023
This season’s fashion color trends have a mix of bright and softer hues…

Today, I’m joining up with Jennifer at A Well Styled Life to share thoughts on color trends for Spring. We chat a lot about color, so I’ll be very interested to see what she has shared!

Some may balk at the word “trends,” but I look at them not as dictates, but rather opportunities. When a particular style or color is on-trend, the selection will be better and broader. So if the trend is something you’d wear anyway, you’ll have more choices.

Since my own color analysis and subsequent training to become a color analyst, I’m always thinking about which colors in terms of seasonal palettes and who will wear them best. Whether or not you select your clothes based on a specific palette, I hope this information will be helpful.

…don’t necessarily correspond to ALL of the colors in the Pantone forecasts. So I’ve focused on the fashion color trends I’m seeing most often, and will include some examples along with the seasonal palette they belong to.

I’m pulling from two versions of the Pantone fashion color forecasts: one for New York and one for London. I’ve selected individual colors from both, as they correspond with what I’m seeing in the spring collections so far.

A note: In the real world, you won’t always find colors on the rack that match any color palette exactly, so “in the neighborhood” is what I’ve aimed for here. Some versions of a particular color may work for multiple seasonal palettes, depending on how warm or cool, or bright of soft an individual garment skews.

The pieces shown below are just a small sampling. I’ve updated my SHOP with sections for each seasonal palette: Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter


I’m starting with green, as this is the most notable color trend. It’s not a color that’s always been widely available, but is everywhere now. It’s my favorite color, so I’m thrilled to see so much of it!

Susan B. wear a green boucle jacket, jeans, and square toe loafers.
I’m absolutely SMITTEN with this green bouclé jacket!

Shades of green (besides olive) began gaining steam last spring, and this year are everywhere! My fellow Springs, this is OUR year for green! There are a lot of “our” more yellow-based, bright greens which have not been widely available for some years now.

Spring fashion color trends: Pantone greens and clothing in corresponding colors.
If you love green, you’ll have a a lot to choose from this season!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

That light celadon green at the top is a bit of a chameleon color…the shades we’d call “sage” belong in the Autumn palette, but when it skews more blue can work in the Summer palette too. And for you Autumns, there are still lots of “your” olives and other earthy greens available.


Spring fashion color trends: Pantone blues and clothing items in corresponding colors.
Blues for every seasonal palette!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Summers, take heart! I’m seeing a LOT of your softer blues among the trending fashion colors for spring, both online and in stores! Most versions of the “Blue Perennial” will be right in the Summer wheelhouse, but I’ve included one that’s an awesome choice for Autumns (#6). (It’s “Pacifica” from Eileen Fisher, and is between the Kingfisher and Marine Navy in your palette!)

That pale aqua at the top is also one of those colors that can work across seasons, depending on how warm or cool it leans.

Pink, purple, lavender

2023 Spring fashion color trends: pink, purple, and lavender.
A lot of options in this color category!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

More good news for Summers, I’ve been finding boatloads of choices in your pinks, purples, and lavenders. As with the other color ranges, there’s a lot of variance from the Pantone swatches. Lavender and lilac shades don’t really show up in this season’s Pantone color forecasts. But they are everywhere, so you’ll have some nice choices there.

Winters, you have some fabulous pink options too, from Shocking Pink to Magenta to Fuchsia. And Springs, look for bright and slightly warmer pinks (think “Flamingo…”).

Peach, coral, orange

Fashion color trends for Spring: peach, coral and orange.
On the warm end of the scale, from soft to bright…
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Many of the colors in this range can work for both Autumns and Springs. Coral is almost universally flattering for those in the warmer seasonal palettes, and is plentiful now. That bright orange is a big fashion trend for spring. It’s such a fun color, but if you prefer it in smaller doses, try as a bag, scarf, or shoes.

Many more choices in the SHOP…shop by seasonal palette:
Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter

Just one last thought about color and “trends…” Don’t worry too much about whether a color is “in” or “out.” If you’re wearing a color that absolutely lights you up, makes you glow and feel confident, chances are it won’t look dated after the fashion world has moved on to the next trend.

You say neutrals are more your jam? Check out my post on building a neutral capsule wardrobe.

If you’d like to learn which colors will colors will make you look your best (radiant, vibrant, & energized ✨), and live near or will be visiting Los Angeles, I’m now taking appointments for Personal Color Analysis! Click HERE for more information and to book your session,

Be sure to go check out Jennifer’s take on color trends for spring at A Well Styled Life!

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. Great post! I had my colors done and I’m an Autumn. Thank you for the detailed info on colors; it helps a lot for the real world of clothing.

  2. I’m another woman who is interested in re-invigorating her look and wardrobe. Your experience with color analysis is inspiring and I have enjoyed watching how you have transformed your style. Alas, I’m no where near you. Now that you are arranging your site by season – I’m even more confused because I have no idea which season I might be. Alas, I am no where near you, so how do I find a consultant who is trained or certified in the process?

    1. Hi Maire, the system I was trained in is very similar to the one used by House of Colour. Here’s a link to find a consultant near you: https://houseofcolour.com/find-consultant

      In the meantime, I’d just suggest trying on some colors you like, and see if they make you look either energized or tired. Then maybe skip those that drain you.

  3. >>Some may balk at the word “trends,” but I look at them not as dictates, but rather opportunities.

    Excellent point! I think you’re also the person who says she offers tools, not rules. I love this approach to color and fashion — thank you!

  4. Lots of great color choices this spring. I’m so glad to see variety. I love that green jacket on you. It’s smashing!! This was fun, thanks for doing this with me.

  5. What an incredibly helpful post, Susan! I really appreciate your focus on the seasonal palettes – I recently learned I’m a Spring and I’m having so much fun with it. I’ve learned SO much from you. Many thanks for being here for us.

  6. Love this new look with an emphasis on seasonal color! I love your writing style, but your recent outfits are so not right for me (winter) that it’s been hard to get excited. I really enjoyed this post.

  7. Excellent, Susan… I saw my palette there for Autumn, which I have had from Red Leopard since last April. I had many of the colours figured out before my visit, but as Manina said, any spring colours looked too ‘Miami Beach ‘ on me, so we concentrated on Autumns.
    It has made choosing my clothes so much easier and actually more fun! Also, I’ve made quite a bit of money consigning good quality clothing locally that is too dark or too bright for me. Your selection of clothes for we Autumns is great! Also, I changed up a few colours of Jane Iredale cosmetics, to reflect what was best for me.
    I discovered ‘White Stuff’ while in Hampshire in fall of 2021, and happily found it’s stocked here in a local boutique. Many of their colours suit me well, and their soft dresses are fantastic…I wear with tights during chilly months.

  8. Love the green jacket on you! Thanks for providing options for each season. Right now in Asheville shops I’m mostly seeing (in addition to predictable b&w) pink, mint green and lots Y lots of blue in all shades.

  9. Thanks Susan, this is really. I’m a Soft Summer and it’s really helpful to see actual clothes that would work for me, I appreciate this!

      1. Susan, thank you for the best blog ever. I have had a problem wearing color, so I wear a lot of white near my face. I have shopped a lot today for some of the warmed summer colors. Your knowledge of seasonal colors is a huge help. Pat

  10. I love these color updates! I have always been a neutrals person, but for the last year or so the universe has been shouting “Color!” at me, and I have been listening. Watching you update your wardrobe with such intention has really been great instruction. I have been kind of happy that the colors that make me feel happiest seem to go with my color season (far as I can tell, Warm Autumn). I’d like to chalk it up to great instincts, but I’m sure it’s purely accidental. Haha. Learning about the choices makes so much more sense than following my dodgy instincts and results in better choices.

  11. Thank you Susan and Jennifer. I thoroughly both of your articles. I do not know what season I am but I will continue to wear the greens, pinks, blues, and purples/lilacs and yellows that make me happy.

  12. New subscriber here. I just love your look and energy from the pic in the green Boden jacket.
    I was trying to determine your height/ body shape from previous posts to better gauge how it might look on me. Would you mind sharing?

    I have just retired at 62 after being a doctor for 39 years. All my clothes are professional dresses and jackets so I am in need of a new wardrobe. I am a petite (5ft and shrinking) thin athletic rectangle. Due to height loss I have also become short waisted. There are very few retailers who carry petites and even their clothing is usually too long.
    Looking forward to reviewing your previous posts.

    1. Hi Jen, and welcome! I’m 5’1″, and also short-waisted. I have a full bust and broad shoulders. I hear you about the dearth of petite sizes! I’m wearing a regular size 6 US (10UK) in this jacket.

      I’ve been finding that a lot of regular sizes that are described as “cropped” can work for Petites.

  13. Is it possible to fade into another season with age? All of the winter colors feel much brighter than I could wear now. thanks as always for your help!

    1. Hi NIN, the system we use is based on skin tone, and it’s quite rare that anyone’s season will change as they age. What you may find is that your best colors within your season may shift. Or you may find that lower-contrast combinations are better. (There are a lot of colors in the Winter palette that are more icy than bright, you may want to try some of those.)