Sunday Garden Blogging

My yellow pear tomato plant has been flowering and fruiting prodigiously, and we’re finally seeing a bit more ripening.

Clearing out some of the dead foliage, I spotted some ripe ones low on the plant.

These will be lovely on a lunch salad today, sprinkled with balsamic vinaigrette.

Now I’m off to finish clearing out the tomato plants, and deadhead my roses and lavender bushes before it gets too hot. Hope you’re having a lovely Sunday!

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  1. Enjoy! We’re finally seeing a few flowers on our bean plants and tomatoes (the latter are just volunteers, sprouted up from the compost) — but the lack of sun and heat in this most dismal of summers makes any yield a dubious proposition.

  2. How pretty. They look like something out of a fairly tale. Personally I’m very disappointed with my heirloom tomatoes. Sure they look all heirloom-ish and cool but they have the consistency of vaguely humid cotton. Meanwhile those that I did not even plant and just found their way into my vegetable garden from last year taste amazing.

  3. Hello:
    Fresh, home grown tomatoes, absolutely wonderful. And, so many, many more of these delicious fruits to come. Lucky you!

  4. The tomatoes looks absolutely delicious. I am sure they will help make lovely salads this week. Fifi

  5. Those look beautiful. Our weather went from cool to hot and none of the tomato plants are doing well. No blossoms, no tomatoes. I have never tried pear tomatoes. Maybe next year.

  6. Last year, we had a mysterious yellow pear tomato plant grow in our garden. It sprouted on it’s own and grew in a part of the garden where I don’t plant vegetables. I had never had this variety of tomato in the past. We literally harvested hundreds of tomatoes from that plant and they were delicious!