Welcome, and A Disclaimer

Welcome, all you femmes of a certain age. I started this blog to have a place to express my more frivolous side, the side that loves clothing and obessesses over handbags and just the right color of lipstick. The side that is still trying to find my own style. The side that wants to make the most of the rest of my life, and feel bien dans sa peau (“good in one’s own skin”). The side that enjoys good food and good wine and good company, the side the comes out to play.

I consider myself a feminist, and have (at least for the time being) reconciled these sides of myself. If you’re searching for serious content, you’ll probably be disappointed. Don’t bother to express your dismay that I’m not writing about the plight of women under Sharia law or the FUBAR situation in Iraq or the mess the spoiled children have made in Washington or global warming. There are many, many people out there doing a far better job covering those topics that I could ever hope to, and I’ve linked to several of them. I’m hoping that at some point I’ll have enough of a readership to share thoughts and ideas (e.g. someone other than myself) so feel free to drop a comment in the box!

All original content property of https://unefemmenet.wpengine.com

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States License.

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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