At-home outfit: cozy with a little sparkle ✨

At-home outfit. Susan B. wears an Eileen Fisher turtleneck in light aqua, dark wash slim jeans, and Clergerie Rayane oxfords in aqua. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

Even though we’re not going anywhere at the moment, I still like to put together outfits to wear at home. Yes, the focus is on comfort, but I find that getting dressed in an intentional way really boosts my mood.

earrings (c/o) | sweater | bracelet (c/o) | ring (c/o) | jeans | shoes (similar)

Detail: Susan B. wears Dean Davidson Midi Knockout Studs earrings in Green Amethyst. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

The jewelry (except for the watch) was kindly gifted from Dean Davidson. I’ve been wearing these Midi Knockout Studs with Green Amethyst quite often. I love that little bit of color, and they’re a comfortable everyday earring.

At-home outfit. Susan B. wears a Dean Davidson green amethyst cocktail ring, jeans and blue oxfords. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

I kept looking for an excuse to wear this fabulous cocktail ring, but decided I could just channel my inner Auntie Mame and wear the fun stuff for my own enjoyment.

Detail: Susan B. wears Clergerie Paris Rayane oxfords in light turquoise blue. More at une femme d'un certain age.

My dentist is partially to blame for these shoes 😆 . Her office is in a dangerous neighborhood. Dangerous, as in lots of retail temptation nearby. 😍 🛍 I was early for my cleaning appointment a few weeks ago and decided to take a walk and window shop….and happened to pass by the Clergerie Paris boutique…

They were a splurge, but are so comfortable and so unique, that I knew they were a choose-it-or-lose-it opportunity. The color is so unusual in that doesn’t-match-anything-so-goes-with-everything kind of way. (They’re a perfect match for the “Seafoam” color in my Spring palette.)

And I’m glad I took the plunge! Update: my friends at Clergerie Beverly Hills tell me that they still have a few sizes available.

Similar styles:

Speaking of wearing our cute outfits, this really cracked me up and I thought you might enjoy too. Be sure to watch with sound on!

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. Even my husband laughed at that video! But those shoes… I expect we will be seeing those shoes often, regardless if seafoam makes an appearance in the rest of your outfit of the day. What a fabulous find.

  2. Do you find you take the same size in Clergies shoes?? Always read your blog and love it.. So helpful and informative..

    1. Thanks so much! In the oxfords, the sizing seems to be pretty consistent. I’m always a 37½. When I bought a pair of sandals on sale in Paris last year, the sales associate recommended going up a full size for that style and she was right.

  3. I remember a while back Oprah was talking about shoes on her show. In reference to a pair of bright green colored shoes, she said “if it goes with nothing it goes with everything “ I love that!

  4. You always find the perfect shoe. It is one of the things I zero in on when I come to your blog. I’m just discovering the joy of colored shoes. LOL I love the sea foam color and although I can’t afford these, I am inspired to look for this color in a shoe. Thanks for shoing me the way. LOL bad I know

  5. The video is hilarious and reminded me of our year living in Japan where most dogs wear clothes! In fact, did you know that there are entire stores there devoted to doggie wardrobes? Every once in awhile, hubby and I would see a dog that wasn’t wearing anything and say something like, “Eek, a naked dog!”

    1. Hi Jill, it could as it’s not a yellow green, but if you’re a summer I’d suggest going with the silver metal tone.