Author: Susan Blakey

Taxonomy 101

When it comes to personal style, there are two types of women: those who early on suss out their own unique style and hang onto…

Foulard de la semaine

Happy Fourth! All original content property of This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States License.

The Big Schlep

Une femme is not one of those people who considers it a point of honor to travel with only a carry-on. There’s no way I’m…

Dining: A Modest Proposal

Cost-per-square-foot being what it is, dining establishments need to get the most out of their real estate, and tables are jammed ever closer together. Sometimes…

Foulard de la semaine

Above, the same plissé scarf from last week, but this time tied “le fleur” style for an evening at the symphony. Bonus round: a smaller…

Bien dans sa peau

It’s that mythical state that French women supposedly embody from birth (though the vast number of minceur creams and pills in French pharmacies may be…

Summer Solstice Serendipities

It’s pretty obvious to une femme that retailers are a bit nervous, as evidenced by the ubiquitous sales, and not just on dated merchandise. Banana…

Make Mine A Double…

Espresso, that is. The researchers found that women who drank two or three cups of caffeinated coffee daily had a 25 percent lower risk of…

Foulard de la semaine

Another warm weather scarf option. Silk plissé (pleated) scarf, worn as a necklace. (Thanks again to Audi in comments whose suggestion for correcting the color…