
Lifestyle posts. Food, wine, entertaining, home decor, gardening, books and more!

Road Tripping

Adirondack chairs on the bluff overlooking the ocean Our weekend getaway to Dana Point provided some much needed down time in an absolutely lovely and…

Two Things…

1. My first outfit post is up over at Already Pretty! 2. Oh, Dowager Countess, how I’ve missed you! Source: Uploaded by user via une_femme…

Aprons, What A Concept.

Source From the moment I splash water on my face in the morning until I slip back into my sleepwear at bedtime, I’m in some…

Friday’s Assortment

From the marché in Aix en Provence, April 2012 We’re having some crazy Santa Ana wind here in LA, and hot, dry conditions again. 🙁…

Aha! moment

All images from So on my last visit to J.Crew, I was trying to figure out what it was about the store that so…