
Lifestyle posts. Food, wine, entertaining, home decor, gardening, books and more!

R.I.P. Jack LaLanne

Before Jane Fonda, before Buns of Steel, there was Jack LaLanne. My mother and her friends would pull up a chair (literally…he used a chair…

Une femme recommends…

Cowgirl Creamery Red Hawk We picked up a small bit of this to put out for our New Years Eve party, and o la la! …

Mid-Week Miscellany

The pace of life has shifted into Holiday Fast Forward.  We’re already coming up on the last crazy night of Hanukkah; tonight we light candle #8…

How does my garden grow?

Here’s a shot of the herb/tomato garden as it looked when I planted back in the beginning of June: And here’s how it’s looking 60 days…

Stumped by Fennel

When I was planting my herb garden, someone suggested that I toss in some fennel.  It has done well, so well that I needed to…

Mille mercis!

A small and mysterious box was waiting for me when I arrived home last night…what could it be?  Let’s have a look… Getting more interesting…….

Morning quickies

No, une femme hasn’t lost her sense of propriety.  I’m talking about le petit dejeunner!  Or specifically, a quick, easy, light and healthy petit dejeunner….

David Does Dior

David Lynch, that is.  Directed this Dior “Lady Blue Shanghai” ad.  Tell me this doesn’t somehow remind you of an exotic “Twin Peaks.”~ All original…