Dans le jardin
Still not a lot happening in the garden bloom-wise, but what do you think of my newest addition to the herb/vegetable bed? I saw these small potted pineapples last weekend at Trader Joe’s and figured, why the heck not give it a try? Did you know that pineapples are bromeliads? Me neither.
The roses were deadheaded a couple of weeks ago, and are working on another round of blooms. Lots of buds but nothing open yet.
What’s blooming in your garden these days?
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At home in Dallas, we have some columbine still blooming as well as Cannonball lilies. My daisies have buds, so they should be blooming soon as well. At the farm, we have Oak Leaf Hydrangeas blooming as well as some regular hydrangeas. Also Larkspur, Texas Betony, Knockout Roses (red), and coreopsis.
It will be fun harvesting that pineapple!
We have clematis, roses, lilac, a few annuals and some weeds in bloom!
Enjoy your weekend
I got some verbenas and geraniums others are just green ones, mainly herbs in my tiny balcony and window sills.
Oh, I love that pineapple plant.
I wonder what these little pineapples will taste like…please let us know! My favorites right now are my red, yellow, and orange hibiscus plants…the flowers are are so big and beautiful!! And I have two huge Boston Ferns that I just love~ Have a wonderful Sunday!
How gorgeous! Only green in my garden as we have a huge amount of rain and floods over here…
Lady of Style
I want one of those pineapple plants!
Happy as I am to be in Barcelona right now, I do regret that I am missing my roses, which will probably begin blooming in the next week or two . . . That pineapple is absolutely charming. I’m crossing my fingers that you will get to enjoy its fruit.
The weather has been so weird I haven’t planted a proper vegetable garden this year so that section is looking a little bare. Only thing really in decent bloom in my yard is the magnolia tree, geraniums, and flowering bamboo. Good luck with the pineapple! Such a lovely specimen – happy Sunday to you –
We had a barbecue this weekend, and I was hoping my roses would be in bloom, but, alas, they were gorgeous two weeks ago and now have all been deadheaded and are waiting for the next flush.
Being in the mountains, our jacaranda is behind those of West LA, just starting to bloom right now.
The penstemons are starting, too, like yours. No pineapples, but how wonderful – I must go to TJs!
We just ate (on Saturday) a pineapple that we grew from a pineapple top. It was delicious – and now we’ve planted the top of that pineapple … and on it goes.
It’s winter here, so the only thing growing in my garden is the cumquat tree, which has hundreds of fruit ripening on it.
I’m sitting outside where I can catch the scent of one of our honeysuckles – we have two different kinds. I’ve also got pansies, petunias, snapdragons, and chives blooming. Soon the oregano and phlox will bloom. We’re having amazing weather this year – in a good way!
That pineapple is so exciting. Do you think it will grow a fruit you can harvest and eat?
Very cool.
Did you know that you can actually grow pineapples from the tops of a purchased one? Much like you would an avocado pit – strange but true. Works in our Southern CA climate. I have a friend who has done so – I am waiting to try until my pup gets over her digging fetish.
Am curious as to how the mini pineapples will taste. I saw those at my TJ’s too. Keep us informed when you, um, harvest…
My hair stylist once had a tiny pineapple. I noticed it part way through the haircut and laughed so hard that I ended up with a different style than expected!