
My chronometer clicks over today to a shiny new number. I’ve never understood the common practice of lying about one’s age. I say claim every damn year as a battle won.

If’ I had my druthers I’d be staying home today and indulging in my own little film fest including “September Issue,” “Devil Wears Prada,” and a few French and Italian movies I’ve been adding to my Netflix queue (have the download only account now). But, Hi Ho It’s Off To Work I Go.

Have a great Friday and weekend!

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  1. My dearest Pseu,

    Now I understand why I like you so much — tons of reasons of course. Anyone born today is obviously special.

    I do love les Poisson.

    Have a wonderful birthday and may all your wishes come true.

    Je t’embrasse,

  2. Happy Birthday dearest Pseu! 54 is a wonderful age:). I hope you have a wonderful time, and celebrate many more in the years to come. May work treat you kindly today.

  3. Happy Birthday! I hope they treat you well at the salt mines;-)
    And given that you had to work on your birthday, I’d say you should stretch out birthday privileges all weekend long.

  4. Happy Birthday Mme. Pseu! I thought we were about the same age…I reached 54 a few weeks ago. In your picture, your mom has the same hairstyle as my mom in that era. Also, I had the same Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Donkey as you!

    I applaud your resolve to enjoy your day. My last two birthdays, I’ve tried encouraging myself to enjoy them like a kid enjoys her birthday. Not quite there yet, but I’m working on it!

  5. Happy Birthday!

    I also never understood the issue of lying about your age – until I found myself single and online, and discounted by a number without so much as a second glance.

    Now I get it.
    Now I do it.

    48 and sticking! 🙂

  6. You had me laughing with, “claim every damn year as a battle won”… Brava! Great attitude, and so true.
    Happy Birthday! Enjoy!

  7. Happy Birthday! Are you sure, you are already 54? We had the same magnetic donkey – but is was in the 70’s.
    Lovely photo. Thank you for showing it to us.
    The Indians-theme reminds me of the Addams Family-The Movie, summercamp. hehe.
    The September Issue makes me a bit melancholic when I watch Grace struggling with her boss. And how her genious ideas get turned down with no reason. Grace was kind of a discovery to me. I did not know about her before.

  8. I hope you have a phenomenal birthday!

    And I agree, celebrate every damn year! I’m astounded by the friends I have who are dreading turning 30, while I’m eagerly awaiting it. I worry that when they get to 40 they’ll be having nervous breakdowns. As I tell my husband, “Hell, 40 is supposed to be some of the best sex!” You earn all your experiences, you should rejoice that you’ve been lucky enough to make it so far!

    You, my dear, are an inspiration!

  9. O frabjous day! Happy birthday to Pseu! I hope you have a grand day, despite your office engagement. Mayhaps you can hold your film fest this weekend?

  10. Joyeux Anniversaire! Always been a lurker before, but I do want to felicitate you on your special day…:)

  11. Happy Birthday, Pseu! All of us femmes d’un certain age are like fine wines, getting better and better with age! Enjoy your day.

  12. Happy Birthday Pseu! Don’t work too hard today.

    I wish I could watch the Devil Wears Prada with you.

  13. Happy BIrthday, my sister in Fishidom. I hope we can celebrate in person very soon. I am so glad you were born and that I have the privilege of knowing you. I sincerely hope this year is filled with all kinds of wonderful dreams come true.xoxoox

  14. Thanks so much everyone, for the lovely birthday wishes!

    Today I’m sneaking away for a few hours to take a Mac class at the local Apple store, maybe squeeze in a mani-pedi, and then le monsieur and I are off to our favorite local French brasserie for dinner.

  15. Happy belated Birthday!

    (I know this is a repeat wish, since I already caught you on FB, but I am catching up on blog-reading today so I wanted to send you another wish. 🙂 )

  16. Happy Happy Birthday! I’m with Materfamilias: treat yourself to a wonderful celebration, stretch it out, make it last . . .


  17. Happy belated!

    Hopefully you’ve had a celebratory weekend to make up for the sad fact of having to work on your actual birthday.

    Seems like you are entering your new year full of stylish statements and that eternally youth-inducing quality: curiosity about the world around you!

  18. (Too many typos in last comment.) Just saw this and hope your day was full of love. Thanks again for your blog and blogfriendship- and for owning your age! Having lost three friends recently (not to be maudlin but there it is) let us celebrate all we have.

  19. Joyeux anniversaire! I wonder, why did women even begin lying about their age? I started lying at 20, telling people I was eighteen because I wasn’t (or felt I wasn’t) as accomplished as the other 20-year-olds. Nowasdays at 48 I will dodge the age issue with strange people who demand to know for whatever reason. It depends on how I am asked and who is asking. I just feel like adults ask to have one up on you or some women to bring out the cat claws. And I absolutely despise the assumptions people draw from your age and the women who take every opportunity to talk about their age. Who cares?