Une remise pour vous…

If you’ve added some items to your Talbot’s shopping cart, and your finger is hovering over the Checkout button but you just need some added…

Eighties Revival

As long as we’re bringing back the shoulder pads and leggings, let’s revisit some of une femme’s favorite 80’s tunes. “Save It For Later” is…

Blast from the past

Don’t know what made me think of this song, but it still sounds great. ~ All original content property of https://unefemmenet.wpengine.com This work is licensed…

Paris State of Mind

We leave two weeks from tomorrow, and planning proceeds apace. We’ll arrive on Sunday morning, and leave the following Sunday morning. Seven whole days in…

Foulard de la semaine

The conundrum at this time of year is whether to dress for the indoors or outdoors. Outside the mercury may be topping 90F, but temperatures…

Spot On!

Leopard/ocelot/cheetah print never really goes out of style, but this fall it’s HOT once again. Une femme’s recommendations for leopard print for les femmes d’un…

Commence Stage II

I’ve begun the second stage of clearing my closet, some new items up over at Emotional Baggage. More to be added by the weekend, so…

Bien dans sa peau, encore

(Because I needed to give myself a pep talk, this is a repost from last year.) “Bien dans sa peau.” It’s that mythical state that…

With God as my witness….

I will never purchase a Hewlett-Packard product AGAIN!!! (Long story, but let’s just say that our PC continues to exhibit some irregular and extremely aggravating…