Paris: Friends, Food, Fragrance and Funny Face

Avedon exhibition in Paris

Josephine popped over yesterday from London on the Eurostar, arriving mid-day, so the first order of business was lunch. We wandered down rue du Bac until we spied a cafe that looked appealing, and quickly realized we’d found a spot that was popular with the locals.

Cafe Varenne 7eme

Cafe Varenne was packed, but after a short wait, we had a nice table in a back corner. Food was great, service was great, and this is now very high on my list of recommended places to eat in Paris!

Avedon Funny Face

After lunch, we hopped the RER over to the Bibliothèque nationale to see the La France d’Avedon exhibition, which was really fabulous. Another high recommendation! It’s a manageable size, and was not crowded.

Avedon portraits: Jeanne Moreau, Loulou de la Falaise, Coco Chanel

The portraits especially are formidable.

Paris: Seine at sunset, looking toward Louvre

It was dusk by the time we got off the train back in the 7th. Views like this are why I remain enchanted by Paris.

Annick Goutal shop window

Walking back to the hotel, we passed by this lovely Annick Goutal shop window and decided to stop in and try some fragrances. We sampled a few. I’ve always loved a bit of rose fragrance in skincare and cosmetics, but have never found a rose-based perfume that I like. Until….

Annick Goutal Rose Pompon

This is a new rose fragrance from Annick Goutal, and it has a gentle citrus top-note that makes it fresh and lively. After a few minutes of dry-down, I was still loving it and purchased a bottle. It’s very light and subtle, and will be great for every day wear.

We’re off early today to hit Citypharma when it opens and try to beat some of the crowds. Wish us luck!!

St. Remy Provence

And here’s something exciting from a friend and fellow blogger…Vicki Archer is giving away a week’s stay at her “Petit Bijou” home in St. Remy, a charming village in Provence!! Interested? I thought so! For details and to enter, go HERE.

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. Ahh, sounds like a blissful day! Your lady company the best! I’ve enjoyed Annick G’s fragrances, got a bottle of Eau D’ Hadrien in Strasbourg a few years ago. This trip I’ve bought Penhaligons Luna. Leaving lovely London shortly for the trip home to Texas.

  2. We’ve just returned from a Paris weekend, enjoying many of the same sights as you are…but that does not lessen the pleasure of seeing your beautiful photos! My heart still lifts at each vista – and I’m eager to return for more!

  3. My favorite part of Paris! I would guess that your hotel is on Boulevard Raspail close to the Rue de Bac
    Metro….maybe Hotel Cayre? Cafe Varenne is my go-to spot for an easy, delicious meal. Have fun. I love all of Europe in the winter. Far fewer tourists.

  4. Like Anne, even though I’ve just spent a few days in Paris, I’m still thrilling at your photos. So many things we couldn’t do, this last visit, and now I can do them vicariously. What a magical trip you’re taking us on!

  5. We discovered Cafe Varenne in much the same way many years ago – wandering down rue de Bac and getting hungry. Always bustling and never disappoints. Lots of great shops along that street as well winding around to Conran and Bon Marche.

  6. A new rose fragrance for me to try, thank you! I wear a rose fragrance year round. Last June I picked up Roget & Gallet’s Rose Imaginaire at Monoprix and used that all summer; I’ll have to try the Annick Goutal soon. (Now wearing Nirvana Rose by Elizabeth and James and am addicted).

    I am really looking forward to hearing about your experience at CityPharma. After you mentioned it I checked it out on Yelp and it sounds like heaven; well, a crowded heaven! I’m already planning a visit when I’m in Paris in March.

  7. I have enjoyed your blog for quite some time while remaining silent. But your Paris posts have made that impossible! Annick Goutal is a must on wvery trip I have made to Paris. Isn’t is just the perfect little jewel box of a shop. My favorite fragrance is Passion.
    The Avedon exhibit looks fabulous. I am living this trip through you.
    Safe travels.

  8. It all sounds like a dream…Paris is such an enchanting city and meeting with your blogger friends is icing on the cake. That fragrance sounds very soft and feminine, loving roses the way I do I would be interested in sampling it…enjoy!

  9. Enjoying these posts so much! I am looking for a new fragrance. I wish I could go to Paris to buy one! So fun!! What a great trip! Can’t wait to see more!

  10. Looks like divine fun. Are you going to the Louis Vuiton Museum? Must see. Also Lind Wright has a shop filled with Cashmere. She is so effortessly chic. Try and go to her store, Crimson. Then comeback to LA and report to me please.

  11. I’m living vicariously through you today, Susan. My husband and I always stroll Rue du Bac when we visit Paris and almost always stay in the 6th. Cafe Varenne is one of our neighborhood favorites! The decor looks so festive!
    Enjoy every moment of your Parisian holiday!
    xx, Heather

  12. Love Annick Goutal, have worn Heure Exquise for years. Just spent Thanksgiving week apartment hunting in Paris and didn’t get much done other than that, but did hit CityPharma. Hope you had fun exploring that beauty wonderland. Love your pictures as you wander around Paris.

  13. Oh, I’m getting goosebumps. We’re returning to Paris at the end of the month, and your pictures and trip report are giving me shivers of anticipation.

    I also love Annick Goutal and have worn Eau de Charlotte for the last 15 years. My most recent bottle was a purchase at Galeries Lafayette, but it may be more fun to stop in at one of her stores this time!

  14. I love Cafe Varenne! It;s one of my favorites! I discovered while reading an Ina Garten cookbook and a recipe for an omelette inspired by her breakfasts at the cafe. I believe her apartment is nearby; I always hope I’ll see her and Jeffrey each time I’m there but so far no luck!:(
    You trip looks like such fun! Waiting for the post on the chocolate shops! Did you happen to see the shop that specializes in marshmallows in the 6th?
    Paris is magical at Christmas time isn’t it?
    Safe journey home!