A passel of plaid jackets for your fall wardrobe
I’ve always had a Thing for plaid jackets, and seeing so many of them in Milan (and now in Bologna) has re-ignited a hankering to add one to my wardrobe. I’ve gone a-hunting, and rounded up a few in various cuts and colors for you…
Mad for plaid…
Above, this one from Avec les filles is almost what we used to call a “car coat,” and that’s not a bad thing.
I think of windowpane as a more minimalist version of plaid.
This one’s a slightly more fitted style, but still with that nice “boyfriend” length.
Here’s a more relaxed style in a subtle, wearable plaid.
A peaked lapel adds structure to this longer jacket.
Glen plaid is a classic and timeless choice.
This one’s a little more spendy, but that green is so good.
You could throw this one on over just about anything.
If a blazer feels just a little too structured for you, here’s a fun sweater coat that can fill the same spot in your wardrobe.
Here’s a shorter jacket with soft texture in a blurred plaid.
This one’s for you Winters…a black and white buffalo check sherpa jacket.
A few more plaid jackets for women…
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We just got back from Rome!!! Had started a comment to you and never sent it. You were definitely on target about your observations- clothes; shoes- especially the shoes. Thank goodness I had a supply of sneakers. It was much warmer than I expected but I was somewhat prepared. Also, I had forgotten how warm it was in the hotels & shops- anyone going there needs to keep that in mind.
Some motherly advice- travel while you can and prepare ahead of time. Over the last 3-4 years i’ve had a collapsed disc & rotator cuff surgery- also Covid virus this time last year! The sweet man in my life had quadruple bypass surgery & Covid. This was a challenging trip. So glad we could go but not easy for either one of us. He was surprised but I wasn’t. Take care and enjoy wonderful travels…
Jane, THAT is good advice!
The longer jackets look silly on me… I’m a very short legged 4’11”. The plaid bomber you showed is a better length but too bulky. What to do?
Because of your timely posts , Susan, I do some deep dives into my closet, and happily rediscover some jackets that thankfully still fit this bustier 71year old body. One is a blazer I’ve had for several years with subtle check in fall colours ( no worries trying to button up) , and the other is a red & black ( not lumberjack!) soft open jacket that just makes me feel happy.
Great with black jeans.
I may look for the new chunkier slip on sneakers soon. Might be a comfy shoe alternative.
Keep us posted on your travels. Very enjoyable.
For me, over time, plaid seems to be a one season trend that re appears so infrequently it becomes an expensive cost per wear item.
For me, plaids are classics. I have a beautiful Ralph Lauren woolen zip-front plaid jacket with suede patches on the elbows that I bought probably 20 years ago now. I may wear it more frequently when plaids are on trend, but I always don it at least once every fall and winter, and it always makes me happy (and keeps me warm!). If you find a plaid you truly love and that’s flattering to your coloring, you’re more likely to love it (and wear it) for many years to come.
I love the green plaid jacket from Maje. Do you think this green would work on a spring? Sometimes it is so hard to tell when looking at color online.
I haven’t yet seen this jacket in person, but will definitely look for it once we get to Paris.
A plaid blazer has been on my radar too. I have a gray tweed one that I’ve had for years and love. Because it’s gray it’s a three season blazer. What I’m am looking for is a light weight plaid or cooler colored camel blazer. Until Sunday, we’ve had temps in the 80’s. Here in Virginia we really don’t get a chance to wear fall clothes until later in the season. Also, anyone with t-shirt recommendations, long sleeved preferably? Not too sheer, and where the collar doesn’t stretch out. I’ve yet to find a t-shirt I love. It’s the basics that are so hard to find.
Hi Robyn, I have had success for several years with LLBean.Their Pima cotton line is soft and durable.
I do not over- dry and sometimes lay t-shirt flat outside on rack in warm weather. 3/4 sleeve are my go to . Here in western Canada, I enjoy free shipping since I am always above the minimum.
I should explain that I am presently in Cornwall enjoying a storm front blowing in Porthleven…hence the time difference that might appear.
Yes, those tee shirts are the golden grail, are they not?!? My old J. Jill pima cotton ones are all pretty shot now (great for sleeping in, however), and they discontinued the style after one season. (WHY???) Right now, my favorite is Chico’s “Touch of Cool Layering Tee.” Nice weight, silkier than all cotton, and the neckline (finally) is perfect for me. (Kind of wide jewel neckline – not too low, not too high … just right.) The solid colors are fabulous. Can’t really comment on the prints (different fabric content), but I believe Susan recommended one last year, although they weren’t yet calling them “Touch of Cool.” Good luck on your search!
I want one of each, Susan! 🙂