
Shopping My Closet

Shopping My Closet

The Little Black Jacket Rides Again sunglasses | jacket | top (similar) | necklace | ring | bag | jeans (similar) | shoes (similar) Once…

The Denim Edit

The Denim Edit

It’s no secret that I’m a Denim Devotee, and I think our options have never been better. We’ve moved past the days when one or…

If You’ve Got It, Wear It

If You’ve Got It, Wear It

Why Not… ….wear faux fur and sequins to take the dogs on their morning walk? coat (similar) | sweater | necklace | jeans (similar) |…

Outfit: Modern Retro

Outfit: Modern Retro

Mid-Century Modern I’ve always loved the look of a simple outfit with a black base and a tan or camel coat. The trick, I think,…

2017: The Year In Outfits

2017: The Year In Outfits

For the last few years I’ve done an annual roundup of my favorite outfits. And every year I realize that there are some consistent themes…

Sifting Through The Year-End Sales

Sifting Through The Year-End Sales

I’ve always loved this week between Christmas and New Year’s. The pre-Christmas rush is over, family and friends are still in town, gatherings are spontaneous…

Outfit: A Little Daytime Glam

Outfit: A Little Daytime Glam

Casual Glamour For An Afternoon Outing Earlier this year, I decided that my wardrobe stable needed a few more Show Ponies. I’ve found some winners since…