
Dresses And Girls’ Day Out

I’d promised to get a better picture of the Nanette Lepore dress that I purchased in Las Vegas to wear out for a nice dinner. So…

Since You’ve Asked…

Why yes, Nanette Lepore does make dresses with sleeves. Disclosure: actions taken from links in this post may generate commissions for .

Special Occasion Dressing…Solved!

While I have most day-to-day situations covered with my current wardrobe, nothing throws me into air-gulping, white-knuckled panic like the idea of Dressing Up. I…

Weekly Roundup

My sister sent me a link to this slideshow of dogs photographed underwater. I dare you not to LOL. More healthy reasons to drink coffee!…

Une femme recommends…

So when this whole peplum trend hit a few seasons ago, I stayed on the sidelines and bided my time. I had a feeling I…

The Simply Workable Wardrobe

One thing that can hang us up when trying to create a simple, cohesive wardrobe is buying for someone else’s life, or the life we…

N’Oubliez Pas…

Tish’s book Forever Chic: Frenchwomen’s Secrets for Timeless Beauty, Style, and Substance is being released in the US  this week! I’ll have a review for you…

Caped Crusaders

I’ve been seeing a lot of capes making appearances in street style pics. They seem like a fun alternative to a jacket or overcoat. And…