Ten Plus One
La Belette Rouge has tagged me for a meme, eleven things about moi:
1. Clothes Shop: Banana Republic, if only for the miraculous Jackson Fit trousers.
2. Furniture Shop: That’s a tough one; we haven’t shopped much for furniture in the last few years. My fantasy furniture comes from Roche Bobois.
3. Sweet: still remains the Chuao Spicy Maya chocolate.
4. City: Culver City, newest epicenter of LA cuisine and art galleries. When we first moved here almost 12 years ago, we used to joke that they rolled up the sidewalks at 6pm. Now it’s a bustling weekend destination for movies and food. Now if only there was more shopping….
5. Drink: non-alcoholic – San Pelegrino. Alcoholic – Stoli martini or wine.
6. Music: jazz, mostly. Currently, I’m listening to this CD in my car.
7. TV Series: Mad Men!
8. Film: Diva.
9. Workout: Walking dogs twice daily, 20-30 minutes at a pop, and whatever exercises the physical therapist tells me to do, at least when I remember.
10. Pastries: In LA, pain au chocolat from The Little Next Door. In Paris, not sure yet. Think I’ll have to do some more sampling. 😉
11. Coffee: Nespresso Ristretto. Double espresso, no sugar.
Well that was fun! I’m tagging materfamilias, Potpourri Promenade (which I just realized I’ve neglected to add to my blogroll, an omission I will soon correct), Passage des Perles, and any other bloggers who want to participate. Just leave a link in the comments!
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Walking my dogs wouldn’t be much exercise at all. “Ooh, I walked a block!”
Just got back from about a forty-minute walk…Doggie-robics!
Thanks for tagging! Loved “Diva” so much I named one of my sons Jules for the boy! Would love to have a martini with you.
thanks for the tag — I’ll try to get to this within the next week or so. Perhaps while you’re away somewhere fabulously chic, sexy, and European like oh, say, Paris!!!!
I agree with you on Diva too – it is one of my all time favourites. As to doggie-robics I am currently walking my sister’s dog as I am looking after it while she is away – I don’t think it would be up to a 20 minute walk; it would probably lie down after 10 and I’d have to carry it home! May be it would work if I took a rucksack, put in that and jogged home ….
Thanks for playing the meme game!! Fun one!:-)