The City That Doesn’t Sleep

Combine too much bad office coffee downed during interminably long meetings, a rich dinner with cocktails and wine and a double espresso to top it all off, a trash truck that seems to be circling the block only stopping to slap some dumpsters around every 10 minutes, and voila!… neither does une femme!!

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Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. Gadzooks! Look at that post time. I foresee more coffee in your immediate future.

    I always thought business trips kicked out all the fun parts of travel, and kept the nasty ones. My condolences.

  2. Aaaarggggh. Noise, coffee, time difference: the Bermuda Triangle of sleep disturbance. Poor Pseu!

    May I suggest you travel with sleeping pills (even if you would never take them at home)? They are indispensable for me, when trying to sleep in a strange place.

  3. We adult kids always joke that my mother travels around Europe drugged. This means she takes a Tylenol PM every night. I prefer ear plugs–the industrial kind. Used correctly, they have saved me many times!

  4. Hi all,

    Yes, I think sleeping pills would have been a good idea. I’ve never taken them before, but it may be time to reconsider “better living through chemistry” for my next trip. Last night’s sleep was much better, and tonight I’m back in my own bed (after a long day and an even longer flight). We have one breakfast meeting and then a few hours to shop (!) though it will mostly be souvenirs to take home to our respective kids. Did get to attend a big party last night, and danced a bit on my new and pain-free hip.