The Wonder Years

Watching the atom bomb test…

When it rains, it pours…

Will you buy me a Dior dress?

My love of handbags developed early…

We are the goon squad and we’re coming to town, BEEP BEEP!

Caught in the act of looking up Barbie’s dress?

If the glove does not fit, you must acquit!

Suburban Cowgirl


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  1. Such cute pics! Looking at them makes me want to dig out of some of mine that are similar…my mom recently gave me some photo albums from when I was a kid and I am sure I’ve got some cute dress ones in there too, same era!
    And you and I have the same blonde ponytail Barbie! And the same dress for her, it came with a purse with fruit attached and a big wide straw hat! I still have the Barbie and the dress and the hat in my Barbie and Midge red case!! Lots of fun playing with Barbie, back in the early 60’s!

  2. I swear to god that’s the fireplace in my house! My mom loved that for a backdrop for photos, too. Great photos, and even better captions.

  3. plant the seed of style and it will flourish – right. you are so “sweet and petite” in these photos.

  4. I just had to admit that I had a dress nearly identical to the one in the ‘love of handbags’ photo, only it was red.

    I wore it for my first grad picture day.

    Great photos!

  5. These are so sweet pictures Deja! Thank you so much for sharing them. Deep down, your mother loved you and you know it too. These pictures are a document of her love, please take good care of them.

  6. We must be the same age. I have photos of myself in those same sort of dresses at your age. Did you ever wear the Pollyanna hats? After that movie all the little girls here wore them. Flat white straw hats with a long ribbon.

  7. All – glad you enjoyed these.

    Lady Jicky – I remember “Pollyanna” but in California during those years I can’t remember seeing anyone wearing hats, not even for Sunday dress-up. I did have a Dan’l Boone faux coonskin cap (with tail!) though. No pics of that one that I’ve found yet.

  8. OMG how precieuse! Were you seriously watching the ABomb test???Check out daddy’s ride in the back!!!

    Laughing at “the glove/acquit” line!

  9. Wow, I swear I had those same dresses with the scratchy petticoats that drove me crazy. And the glove, and the purses, and the Barbie dolls. Check, check, and check.