Tuesday Tidbits: A Little Provence and More

Lifestyle blogger Susan B. reviews My Stylish French Box "Holidays In Provence." Details at une femme d'un certain age.

My Stylish French Box for August

The theme of this summer’s My Stylish French Box subscription box is “Holidays in Provence,” and I think the items that Sharon chose capture it perfectly! It’s such a pleasure when I open the lid to that first glimpse of the gifts inside, and get a whiff of the naturally fragranced products.

detail: petit market basket from My Stylish French Box. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

This small market basket is so charming and has already been pressed into service in my bathroom to corral small toiletries.

Details of Provence themed gifts from My Stylish French box: olive oil bath products, a summer scarf, lavender candle. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

Lavender and olives are two crops that Provence is well known for. The olive oil soap and body scrub included in this collection smell amazing, and I can’t wait to try them. The lightweight scarf is perfect for cool evenings as summer gives way to fall. And the lavender candle….

Detail: lavender candle from My Stylish French Box. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

It has such a lovely, calming fragrance. I’ve been burning this nightly at bedtime.

Detail: watercolor print and notecards from My Stylish French Box. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

Blank notecards are always great to have on hand, and these are so pretty!

Detail: Provence fleur de sel from My Stylish French Box. Details at une femme d'un certain age.

And fleur de sel!! I can’t wait to sprinkle this on some sliced heirloom tomatoes. And just about everything else…

There are a few more small gifts included as well, all hand-selected by Sharon.

The August My Stylish French Box is sold out, but you can still place an order for the November box. This would make an excellent holiday gift, as would a full year’s subscription.

Disclosure: the My Stylish French Box for August was gifted. Thank you, Sharon!

Transitional Season Fragrance

I’ve never been able to settle on a “signature fragrance,” as different fragrances appeal to me in different seasons, and with different moods. Late summer gets tricky. The weather will be warm for weeks yet, but some of the light florals I favored earlier in the year feel too Spring-y now. I gravitate toward something a little more woody, but still light, not oppressive.

Detail: Chanel 31 Cambon fragrance.


I’d purchased this last fall, and recently pulled it out of my stash to try again. It’s ticking all of the boxes for me: fresh top-notes, a bit of chypre, a warm heart. But not too heavy or cloying.

Yet Another Crime Drama…

Les Temoins (the Witnesses) French crime series on Netflix

We’ve been watching the French series “Witnesses” (Les Temoins) on Netflix. We’re now about 1/3 into Season 2. It’s a little suspenseful, creepy (in a way that reminds me of the first season of HBO’s True Detective or PBS’s The Tunnel) and at times more than a little improbable. But it’s a fun glimpse into a region of France that’s not Paris, and a great way to practice my French language listening skills.

How’s your week shaping up?

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. Have you watched Un Village Francais on Mhz network and Amazon (DVD)? Ina Garten calls it one of her favorites. WWII drama, 6 seasons, a 7th coming.

  2. I usually stick to one scent all year round, but last month changed it up with Si. I’m really enjoying the vanilla. It’s something totally different from what I normally wear.

    Thanks for sharing the French series. I’m always looking for a series or movie to watch and listen to for comprehension improvement. I never feel like I’m improving with speaking or listening to French. 🙂

  3. Ah, this box always looks delightful! I love that the darling basket matches the charming note cards, such lovely attention to detail. Such thoughtful curation!

  4. I’m going to sample 31 Rue Chambon. Don’t laugh but my signature fragrance is TOMMY GIRL!! I have tried all the others, Shalimar, Acqua di Parma Blue Mediterraneo, Aqua Allegoria Mndarine Basilic, Hermes Calache Jo Malone’s Wood Sage and Sea Salt (no staying power whatsoever) and the only time I ever get compliments is when I wear Tommy Girl!! Men and women compliment me on this teenage girl scent. It’s very fresh and clean with a hint of citrus and I wear it year round. Looking for a more grown up scent this fall. I love clean scents with citrus which can be tricky in the fall.

    1. Lisa, not laughing at all! In Luca Turin’s Perfume book he gives Tommy Girl 5 stars, You should read what he says about it.

  5. You’re going to laugh but when I want to practice my French listening skills, I watch The X-Files. It was very big in France (in fact, it was on in syndication the last time we were there) so the DVDs were released with French subtitles available but the voices were also dubbed. The voice actors are terrific, and the show is much sexier in French.

  6. I watched The Witnesses recently, and I, too, was also reminded of HBO’s first season of True Detective. There were definitely some creepy elements. I am hoping there will be a third season!

    Thank you for the tip regarding 31 Rue Chambon. I will certainly be sampling it.

  7. I love 31 Rue Cambon. I agree that it is an excellent transitional scent, not too heavy, but nicely complex. I enjoy changing scents often. There are times when I love Chanel No. 19, but it is a bit too much for me when it gets very hot. I have turned to this and 1932 during the past month of 90s and 100s where we live.

  8. Glad you reminded me about that show. I can’t remember if I finished the season, I’ll have to go see what Netflix says. Everybody watches British TV but I enjoy watching other European series. They’re not all that different from American series, but each one has little variations that give you a bit of a foreign flavor.

  9. I also find 31 Rue Cambon perfect for this time of year. I’ve been eyeing my bottle, but trying to hold out and enjoy the summer scents before they begin to seem thin and frivolous. I first tried 31 R.C. during a September beach vacation, and so it always reminds me of an elegant seaside dinner. It’s a great office scent all year.

  10. Have you visited the newish Grand Musee du Parfum in the rue du Faubourg Saint Honore? For perfume lovers it’s like dying and going to heaven. Fascinating the history and story of perfume creation over the ages. You get to smell different basic scents often used in the make-up of perfumes – and lots more. There are also features to help sensitise the nose and learn to discriminate. Then there’s the incredible shop/showroom. So beautiful. Lots of lovely things to buy as presents – and such a range of wonderful perfumes. It’s in a lovely old hotel particulier that has been completely refurbished for this museum.
    Would never stick to just one perfume – always like a range to select from, depending on my mood and the weather at the time. Currently have on rotation Hermes Caleche, Hermes Mediterranean Garden, Chanel 19, Chanel 5 and Chanel 5 l’Eau (for the summer as it’s so fresh and gorgeous). They all seem to have staying power. Also have some of the body creams and shower gels. Looking forward to trying the new Gabrielle perfume when it comes out. Must also try the rue Cambon scent. I rather liked Misia but maybe not enough to buy a whole bottle. I have to really love a perfume to spend serious money on it. My father’s favourite perfume for my mother was Joy. He also once bought her Schiaparelli Shocking (sadly no longer available) in the stunningly beautiful glass lady’s waist with the tiny flowers on wire twisted around the bottle. Even as a very little girl these things appealed to me and one time I toddled into their room to admire and opened the bottle to smell it – but sadly didn’t put the top back on properly and it leaked away. All into the beautiful shocking pink box and the top of their dressing table. They were so sad about this as it was almost impossible to get in Oz at that time – but also so forgiving. Best wishes, Pamela

    1. I haven’t been, but it sounds fascinating and I’m adding to my notes for my next Paris trip. Thanks for the suggestion!