Patio Seating Requested…

Susan B of une femme d'un certain age wears a green linen sweater, French Kande necklaces and Paul Green slide sandals.

Things are beginning to open up again in L.A., through with strict social distancing measures. I’ve been firmly on Team Caution, but must admit I’m looking forward to going out to dinner again. Eventually.

When we do, chances are we’ll be dining en terrasse, as many local restaurants are increasing their outdoor dining spaces when they can. And some cities are considering easing zoning restrictions to allow more sidewalk dining, a move I heartily support. Given my druthers, I’ll almost always choose to sit outside.

A Casual Linen Sweater Outfit:
Earrings | Sweater (similar) | Necklace (c/o) | Necklace | Ring | Jeans | Sandals

But for now, we’re enjoying takeout on our own terrasse. It still gets cool and breezy here in the evenings, so for me a lightweight linen sweater is perfect for sitting outside. I snapped up this one a few weeks ago during one of the Bloomingdale’s F&F sales; though it’s sold out there, still is available HERE. Here are a few more budget-friendly options:

Banana Republic | Talbot’s | J.Jill | J. Crew | Macy’s

Susan B. wears a linen sweater outfit with light wash jeans and French Kande jewelry. Details at une femme d'un certain age.
Detail: Susan B. wears a green linen sweater, French Kande necklaces and gold ring. Info at une femme d'un certain age.

The long necklace (gifted) is from a new French Kande monthly “Stack Up” capsule collection. I customized it with gold crown pendants. My color palette is warm, and I’ve mostly been wearing gold jewelry lately. But I was smitten with those Cloudy Quartz stones, so this was a way to warm it up. This was a special order, but many French Kande pieces have the option to customize with different medallions, so you can create a truly unique piece.

The shorter medallion necklace is from a prior collection with faceted Aquamarine stones. I swapped out a medallion from another of my French Kande necklaces to add another warm metal to the mix.

Detail: Susan B. wears Paul Green slide sandals in metallic reptile print. Info at une femme d'un certain age.

These sandals are SO comfortable and can dress up or down. The soft metallic finish goes with everything.

More options:

Jack Rogers | Sam Edelman | Clarks | J.Crew

Have shops and restaurants begun to open up where you live? Do you feel comfortable going out yet, or are you going to wait a while?

Susan B. sits on a wooden bench wearing a brown knit jacket, blue jeans and colorful bracelets.

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  1. Dining outdoors is lovely and, unexpectedly, a new perk of the pandemic. While not legal here yet, restaurants are making plans and local governments are even closing sidewalks and streets to facilitate it. In Summer, it’s the perfect time to do this. Enjoy!

  2. Unfortunately, here in Houston, the weather is miserably hot and humid, so outdoor dining this time of year isn’t always great. Outdoor restaurant patios often have misters, which used to be nice; but now I’m just picturing them spewing virus droplets on me! We are mostly still hunkering down at home.

  3. Your yard looks like little piece of paradise. I would be quite content to setlke in for a meal there.

    Where I live, outdoor eating is a little more complicated. The mosquitoes! The wasps! The wind! The cold! I am looking forward to one restaurant patio, well-sheltered with heaters, maybe in a couple of weeks. They open early for brunch on weekends, so maybe the trick is to take the first sitting of the day.

    I do not feel comfortable sitting on a road that has barriers, but is still open to traffic. This how my city is expanding restaurant patios this year. Things are far too uncertain. I think it is risky.

  4. I’m personally not comfortable with it. Businesses are opening back up out of economic necessity, not because it’s been deemed “safe” or without risk. When you take political and economic factors out of it, many epidemiologists are still recommending a hold on most optional activities when possible. It’s also a question of whether adequate testing and contact tracing is being done and a timeline to an effective vaccine or cure. Of course, those older than 60 or with pre-existing conditions as well as people with family members in those categories or in the same households have to weigh this even more carefully.

    As far as outdoor dining in proximity to other people, some of whom are not as careful as we are, or who may be asymptomatic, the risk is less than with indoor dining, but still present. You have to take off your mask to eat, and a cough or sneeze can travel much farther than 6 feet. Not to mention the face to face contact with servers etc.

  5. To add to the above, we are also just starting to explore who might be at much higher risk of serious illness or death based on DNA and blood type. Until I know that I’m not in one of those high risk categories, I’m not willing to risk my life for non-essentials. We used to go out to eat several times a week, so this is certainly a big change in lifestyle for us.

  6. While our city is working on pedestrianising streets with cafés and restaurants, both for safety and a more pleasant atmosphere, in Montréal, there are (or were) many streets with terrasses and car traffic, though speed limits have been seriously lowered.

    Susan, this is the second time recently that you have posted a garment in a colour I’d love on myself, though I’m a very different colour family and hate pastels (once again on myself; not judging anyone else). I love that coolish green and have two tops just a bit deeper in colour. I also like the Banana Republic kelly green pullover. “Cropped” doesn’t look too short on their model, who is doubtless taller than either of us.

    I can’t wear metal jewellery if it isn’t actual silver or gold though…

  7. in Australia restaurants have re opened with strict hygiene and restrictions on numbers. i have been out to our favourite place a couple of times but if i lived in America i wouldnt be considering with the infection and death rates so high

    1. Most of our shops and cafes never closed, although it was take away only at the cafes. I still went out and about, sometimes with a mask ( in crowded supermarkets), but not when walking outside. I am really looking forward to lunch at our local pub this Friday.

    2. Sorry Noreen, my post got linked to yours as a reply, but really the social distancing is a complete joke given the thousands of protestors last Saturday in Australian capital cities.

      1. Couldn’t agree more Susan , from a fellow Aussie Susan. Most have followed the restrictions strictly , even if it meant losing business and jobs , not attending weddings and funerals but tens of thousands of protestors all ignoring the social distancing recommendations and possibly delaying our recovery. Irresponsible and selfish.

  8. My little seaside & mountain community is just starting to relax a bit with open terrace seating, but it’s worrisome. We haven’t been hit hard by Covid, not only because we’re on an island but also because our government reacted fast & hard: all but 1 ferry route cancelled & that one cut way back to all but freight, airports closed, our border with the US closed to everything but essential traffic. But with summer come tourists & even with everyone trying to discourage visitors, they’re going to be here (we’re keeping the US border closed tight as you have one of the highest transmission & death rates in the world right now & way too many people not taking it seriously) so we’re all worried that we’ll have an outbreak in spite of our precautions. It feels like we’re just taking a bit of a breather before we have to shut down again. My husband & I went shopping today & stocked up on necessities we’re running low on, including masks, gloves & sanitizer (not to mention cat food & TP). I have a feeling it’s going to be a long, trying summer & fall.

  9. I live in a small town in West Texas. We are open and most people are ignoring the CDC guidelines and science experts. Employees at stores and restaurants are wearing masks. It is hard to be around people I have known for many years who have decided they are finished listening to the news and will just “live their lives.”

  10. We took a short break overnight break to Charleston SC this weekend . I just had to see how my late 80s year old sister and brother-in-law were doing. Social distanced in shady driveway and it was such a blessing. They have been cheerfully remaining at home with help from two great daughters.
    We had two outdoor meals while there at restaurants that were doing a great job of cleansing, spacing, policing line, employee masks, etc. We felt comfortable.
    As an usher at a performance arts center we are missing our shows, but don’t know when I’ll be ready for 2000 people!!

  11. Susan, I just wanted to comment how much i love this outfit on you ! Effortless, cool and casual. Perfect colors and accessories ! Enjoy the outdoor dining. We are about to begin now on Long Island and the weather finally works for it too !

  12. What a beautiful yard! And your hair looks great! A bit longer than pre-pandemic, but an excellent length for you. Very flattering.

  13. I love to spend as much time outside as I can and the last few days in the Washington D.C. area have had beautiful low humidity days. I am wondering if anyone can recommend a Deet free mosquito repellant that actually works? I seem to be a target for them and am looking for as natural a product as I can. Some have such a strong odor that will probably make social distancing easier.

    1. Hi Diane, have you tried Off Mosquito coils? Instead of putting iron you, you light them and the scent scares off te mosquitoes. They work well in our backyard.

    2. Hi Diane. We use a horse spray for insects. These have no chemicals and actually smell light and fresh. To be used around the animal faces, they must be gentle but effective. Have been using one from a tack shop for years. Check out horse shops if you can.

  14. I am in northeast Ohio and we have opened up outside dining, but my husband and I are not comfortable enough to risk it. We are missing movies more than dining in restaurants. It is worrisome that many people are walking around in stores without masks. I consider it rather disrespectful given the Governor’s guidelines. But I totally understand how people are tired of this whole ordeal and are anxious to get back to life as usual.

  15. Agreeing with Deanne…..your hair looks much better longer, softer somehow and more like you…..just needs a hairstylist to touch it up but not shorten it

  16. As others have stated, your outfit is lovely on you. Love the sandals but too high for me (both
    in price and inches).

    I love your patio chairs – could you tell me the maker’s brand, please?

    Re mosquitos: Avon’s lotion, Skin so Soft, was a great product but I do not know if it’s still
    available. Also I’ve used dryer sheets and they do work when you wipe them on your arms, etc.

    1. Hi Joan, thanks! We purchased these chairs ten years ago, and I’m afraid I don’t still have the information. I’ve linked to some similar ones in this post: Backyard Tour

      1. Yes, the Skin So Soft original oil is a good Avon product and it does work as an insect repellent. They also make a gelled oil which is easy to put on. Make sure to get the original scent.

  17. Susan–I love this outfit on you! There is something really appealing about green with blue, not to mention the colors suit you well. I have a question about the sandals, which I also really like–do they thwack when you walk? Or do they fit high enough on your instep to solve that problem –it’s something I dislike about mules and open back shoes, drives me crazy.

    1. Hi Mary, thanks! The “thwak” drives me nuts too, and no, these don’t. They’re high enough that I can walk without my toes having to do the “death grip.”

  18. We are opening up in Washington state However my husband and I are not going out. It’s just too risky. Love your sweater and coolish days are certainly normal here so I ordered the one from JJill in Pacific, definitely MY color. Love your garden and please share more of it!

  19. You look gorgeous in that green sweater! I love your pedicure too…I love the look of no polish. Thank you for the inspiration that you give.
    Hubby and I are still mostly home and not ready to venture out much yet. Here in AZ the cases are still climbing. We occasionally bring take out home. It is much too warm to eat outside right now, but occasionally coffee in the early morning on our shaded patio is lovely. In the evening we look forward to a relaxing swim in our pool.

  20. Love Paul Green shoes! These are beautiful. Bought a few after you mentioned them in one of your past posts. Sooo comfy and always stylish in a classic way. Worth the price. We are enjoying our yard as well. It is nice.

  21. It has been comforting to read this today because so many of you are taking the guidelines seriously. I feel like I am surrounded by people who have created their own reality and chosen to go on with their lives as if no pandemic exists. My husband and I have been in for weeks, only going out for essentials. We always wear masks when we do go out and are strict about social distancing. Our area is reopening. We waited awhile before eating out. We have eaten in a restaurant twice in the past week or so. We have found restaurants where we can eat outside and I call the restaurant before we go to inquire about their social distancing. Doing the best we can in an area that hosts a lot of tourists. I do have friends and family who live in areas where restaurants have set up tables in parking lots and it is working. Best to be outside.

  22. Yes, Rondi, I totally agree that it’s reassuring to read others are taking the virus as seriously as my husband and I do. Where we live in Ohio, few are wearing masks or following social distancing. It is especially troubling to hear many dismiss the virus as not real. We miss eating out several times a week, but for now are staying home. Until there are treatments and/or a vaccine, we plan to stay put!
    Which is why, Susan, I especially enjoy escaping through your site, to the world of shopping, fashion, conversation among friends and pictures of your peaceful patio. Thanks!

  23. Just wondering about your wine glass Susan, is it the Riedel white wine glass, or the Schott Zwiesel Tritan wine glass? They look very similar to each other, however the Schott Z glasses are much more affordable. I have a couple of them that I love, and wanted to purchase a few more. I had gotten them at Pier 1 but they are going out of business and the glasses are no longer available there. Your patio life-style looks so casually elegant!

    1. I have found Riedel wine glasses at a very affordable price at Home Sense in Canada, they are owned by TJ Max so try there. My ‘good’ crystal is Zwiesel and I would not say those were budget friendly but maybe the Schott Zwiesel is a different company? My husband is the ultimate wine snob and will only drink out of a very thin vessel…oh là là the day he had to drink Mumm’s champagne of dollar store flutes!!!! I couldn’t care less but to him, sacrilege!! Hahaha

      1. Thank you, Ainsivalavie, for my first good laugh of the day, as well as the tip for wine glass shopping! 😀

  24. Okay, then Susan. Love the outfit and jewellery. Your style and colours have been brilliant since you were “done’ by Red Leopard, they and you have just got it so right. I like your slightly longer lockdown hair, too. But, please tell me , what on earth are “druthers”??! I’m guessing similar to what I might call hot flushes? Please enlighten a curious Brit.

    1. LOL! It’s an idiomatic expression that’s short for “I’d rather”. So “my druthers” is like “my preference.”

      1. Well, I got it soo wrong then! Can honestly say have never heard that expression, so thanks for the clarification.

  25. SWEATER LINK DOESN’T WORK. And I love it…but even going directly to the Gerard site it doesn’t work. What is the brand of the sweater??

    I’m in the Sacramento area and we are up and running. I would suggest that vulnerable people be strict about personal responsibility and take precautions as I am sure they do every seasonal flu time. Bravo to our restaurants, social clubs and country clubs for taking on safety measures! Our physician friends report empty ICUs in terms of virus related cases. Testing is not accurate yet so none of us linger under a false sense of security but for the non vulnerable group we expertises common sense and great hygiene. Harder in more crowded areas like LA.