Skirting the Issue – Part Deux

Wishful thinking, peut-etre, but I’m not yet convinced that those of us who aren’t blessed with the lean-and-leggy gene have to sit on the sidelines…

Finding Myself Through Food

Jan Steen: Girl Eating Oysters I was just catching up over at Harriet Brown’s terrific blog, Feed Me! and this post really resonated with my…

Skirting the Issue – Part Un

Une femme’s relationship with skirts has had its ups and downs, and I’m not just talking hemlines. I love the idea of them, but the…

Fashion Oxymorons

There are many fashion concepts and terms that make une femme scratch her head. “Sportswear” is one. Like we’re supposed to play tennis in this…

Road to Recovery Blogging

Just wanted to check in and say “Hi” over what is possibly the world’s slowest Wi-fi connection. The surgery went well, and I’ve been up…

Pour les hommes

photo: Mon mari, who is a purist and up until now has shunned shaving/skincare “products” just tried the Molton Brown supershave olibanum I bought…

Convalescent Chic

…is an oxymoron, I’ve decided. Much to my chagrin, I’ll admit to having purchased a track-suity-thing to wear to and from the hospital, having been…

Low Resolution

Une femme doesn’t really do New Year’s resolutions anymore. For more years than I care to admit, my staunch resolution each year was to Lose…