Hitting the Style Sweet Spot

Do you ever have one of those days when you just sort of dress from instinct, don’t put a lot of thought into it, but…

Mutton, Lamb and Keeping Our Cool

Wee cutie pie dressed as lamb. One expression that pops up frequently when it comes to age inappropriate style is “mutton dressed as lamb,” often…

Une femme Weighs In…

…on the Sex and the City Wedding Dress Brouhaha Yesterday several blogs including the Esteemed Manolo featured pictures of Sarah Jessica Parker in a wedding…

Nostalgia and the Bad Old Days

Maya’s Granny posted last week about the TV show Mad Men, and some of her experiences as a woman in a man’s world during that…

"Chic," qu’est-ce c’est?

French women supposedly Have It. The rest of us supposedly Want It. But what is it? “Chic” is something most of us feel we recognize…

French Lessons

When we first started making plans to visit Paris this last spring, my primary and overarching concern was What To Wear. I had no worries…

To Color and Color Not

In the 80’s, color was a hot topic. Ted Turner was colorizing classic black and white movies amid protests from filmmakers and film buffs, and…